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Second comic <<<

First comic <<< 




It's here! Sorry again for the lil delay. I had both a pretty lovely & hard times with this one, playing with the character's expressions, face & body. I'm back at playing a lot with hands, and it goes on with the next pages. Are we gonna learn more about our hero? Could his funny new friend be right? Some revelations coming, amongst other things, hehe! Expect 2 step by steps for this page again, have a beautiful week, folks! And welcome to my newest patron, glad to have you on board!

That Long-Haired Creepy Guy

Can't wait to see how the story progresses. And, you know, watch all the hot guys fucking nonstop! :D The backgrounds for this page are kind of... nonexistent. A bit of a pro-and-con situation. The good thing is that there's nothing drawing attention away from the detail put into the characters. The line definition and touches put into the clothing and the musculature are all POPPING right out of the page. And I don't know why, but that shirt with the straps is VERY distracting. My eyes keep getting pulled to them. Maybe it because I don't see shirts like that where I live. There's nothing really bad about them. I just find the straps... mesmerizing.


Can't wait for you to discover what's in store. This chapter promises a lot. One advice, though: don't let yourself distracted by the VERY hot sex scene coming, it won't be the last part in the story, hehehe! I got rid of thebackgrounds here cause we have many close-ups to the characters, adding some was not useful. And honestly I drawn so much in the previous page I was happy to concentrate on the characters only! The next page offers a dramatic change on the set up, I'm having cool & hard times dealing with it now, but it's gonna be pretty interesting. About the straps, as the creator I'm very glad I decided to go for this: very graphic & nice to draw! It creates a lovely light texture, and shows off the volume of the muscles. Maybe this is mesmerizing indeed XD

That Long-Haired Creepy Guy

*nods* I get that. And I had wondered whether or not adding backgrounds would make the characters less of a focus. You could be right. :) Again, the straps aren't a bad thing. I find my eyes drawn to them. It was more of a commentary than a grievance.


Oh I know, it's normal to get drawn to them, it's graphic, and contrast well with the shading and usual realistic feel the comic has. I guess it could be the same with a fabric with geometric patterns on it. Maybe I'll try!


the gun, hum whats gonna happen??


What can happen with such thing... DRAMA of course! ;-)