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Guess who's back in these pages? Again! And yeah he also got his own new outfit. Wait, he actually had none in Chapter 2! XD Dunno what happened with me here, this is full of complicated, tricky poses, but I'm mostly happy with the result. Drawing this black hunk again was a blast, I was oddly afraid to not succeed in rendering him the same way but it's okay. Oh, and I heard I was really good at drawing WOOD! Morning wood, for sure! Sorry I guess I'm pretty exhausted, haha! Expect 2 glorious step by steps, couldn't resist to create one for each of them. Have a fantastic week, folks! And welcome on board to Magnus, thanks for the shoutout on Instagram :-)


A sudden shift, you mean from the previous scene? Or between them here? I wonder cause I've been told it was a bit sudden in the action/reaction with panels 4 & 5. Oh, there will be much more than a kiss, but yeah kissing everywhere! :-P

Patrick Fillion

AWESOME -- I didn't expect to see your gorgeous black hunk back again so soon -- I'm THRILLED by his return. And I love seeing both he and your main man in clothing... it just makes me wanna see them get stripped naked again! LOL! SO HAWT!!! This is a beautiful page, and even though there's no sex on it, it's still supremely sensual -- that takes a great deal of talent, and you've got it in spades, mon ami! BRAVO!!!!! I can't wait for next Monday! LOL! Now you make sure you get some rest. You've been a busy guy lately!! All work and no play, and all that! LOL! Gros Bisous!! XOXO :D :D <3 <3


Awww thank you thank you!! I'm happy to see him back and he's gonna be here for a while, you won't believe what's in store for the 2 of them, hehe! What? Did I hear Hot Sex?! Well... you know me, you know "LUST" now, hehehe! Thanks again for all the lovely words, Patrick! Bises