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Second comic <<< 

First comic <<< 




Something was missing from the previous chapters: the title! It featured in page 2 for Chapter 1, 1 for Chapter 2 and here 3 for Chapter 3. I strangely took pleasure in drawing so much jungle / forest, with all the movements and odd screams. I also enjoy my character with his shorts, drawing him full lenght for a while now. Technically I played a lot with the perspective and legs here, it's pretty tricky and I hope the whole thing renders well. The first panel is up for a step by step, it deserves to be seen bigger! Have a nice week!

That Long-Haired Creepy Guy

Yeaahhhh... When something like that happens, it's GTFO time! I love the detail on the plants, and the contrast between them and our hero's arms; both in the skin tone and the textures of the hair. Kudos for keeping him barefoot. That's a fetish of mine, especially when the subject is otherwise fully dressed. One minor thing, though. I kept hearing this song in my head while I was reading: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcvjXAtzaMU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcvjXAtzaMU</a>


I was looking for the contrast, and I kept telling myself it would have worked even better with him all naked! :-P He finishes barefoot cause I can't stand these shoes bwahahaha!! Didn't know the song LOL dunno how it came to your mind XD Thanks for the appreciation on this one, it took hours, even more than I expected. About what happens, I was hesitating with the cliffhanger in the last panel of page 2, I almost postponed this for this page. Then I thought the lil mystery could be good.

Patrick Fillion

This page is so dramatic and really pushed LUST into an whole other, additional new territory! I love it! I love that he's decided to ditch his flip flps -- LOL! It's impossible to run in those things! But he continues to look so damn delicious in those tight, little shorts and that sleeveless shirt. He's continuing to show off those gorgeous, super hairy legs and I am loving it. I'm super intrigued to see what happens next. Next Monday can't come fast enough! LOL! Merveilleux comme d'habitude, cher ami!! BRAVO!! XOXO :D :D PS -- Looking forward to that STEP BY STEP, too!! :D


I said it during chapter 2: the sequel would be very different! Well, except for the hot steamy sex, but with a twist, hehe! Goodbye flip flaps, you can't do much with these indeed, not runaway for sure :-D So glad you really like how it turns out, my friend, thank you so much!! Mille bises XOXOX


Hihi thanks again. Of course we love naked hahaha!!


run away!! whats this???


You'll get the answer at some point. Are you ready for it?! ;-)