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Patrick Fillion

You know , this page may not contain any nudity, but it's still INTENSELY sensual. Your main man is soooo beautiful and sexy and OMG, his GOOOORGEOUS hairy legs in panel 1 -- WOW!!! Just getting to spy on him as he dresses is very sexy, and he looks so handsome in every panel. I know you've said this is a "calm moment" before hard times ahead, and I confess I am very much intrigued. I can't wait to see what you have in store for him... AND US... in this all-new chapter! A FANTASTIC beginning, mon cher. BRAVO!!!! XOXO :D :D


Aww thank you!! It's a great start I guess, with suggestive sexiness. But you might be surprised with what's to come, hehe! About panel 1 I thought at some point the legs were a bit too large, dunno, but still love this full-lenght view: he's back in great shape, hehe! Encore merci XOXOX


so happy its back!!