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It's L Day! LUST Day is back :-D It starts exactly where we left our hero in the previous chapter. And he's right, he's definitely not alone, he's gonna find out about this over & over in what's to come. I was so into the pose on his knees, intense drama & so, but let me tell you it's not an easy pose. The other tricky part was that huge background all around, but as the jungle before, I start enjoying finding ways to render mother nature. Thanks for supporting my art!

JN Valente

Magnifique. J'avais oublié que lundi arrive plus tôt à La Réunion. C'est une sorte de ce qui a été laissé entendre mais mon dieu la quantité et la précision des détails. Je suis très curieux de savoir comment notre héros a survécu en une seule pièce et pas seulement cela - encore vêtu de son costume et si beau. Juste sa barbe qui commence à se faire voir, ça ne peut pas avoir duré plusieurs semaines ou même plusieurs jours. Je suis enchanté et désespérément curieux de savoir quoi et qui va se passer ensuite. Bravo! ❤️❤️❤️😘 Alors, lundi prochaine "chez CLX's Patreon"? Can barely wait. 😘😘😘


Je me suis dit que j'allais poster de bon matin, et j'aurais dû savoir que tu serais aux anges ! Il va y avoir des révélations, mais très progressivement, avec notamment une rencontre décisive qui arrive dans ce chapitre. Mais il va faire plusieurs rencontres ! Oui, à lundi prochain, et merci pour ton soutien indéfectible ! Bises

Patrick Fillion

YAY!!! "L DAY" is back -- and with it, an AMAZING new page! What a great way to kick off chapter 2, mon ami! Such a dramatic first shot of Jack, and with all that beautiful detail in the suit, background and pose... not to mention his gorgeous, sexy hairy chest! MMmmmm -- SO HOT and soooo compelling. It's a fantastic beginning to your second chapter, and it makes me want to re-read chapter 1. Oh man, I can't wait to receive my copy in the mail. I'll let you know when it arrives... Meanwhile, WICKED new page, my friend -- I can't wait to see all the drama and SEX that happens next! Looking forward to meeting some of your new characters, too! Super travail, cher ami! You make Monday a day to look forward to!! XD XOXOX :D :D


Wait, you didn't receive the comicbook yet? Damn, how can it be so long, I sent it from Paris! I hope it's coming to you soon. Merci pour tous les beaux compliments ! I was going for a striking pose for the very first panel of the first page. So glad you like it, Patrick!! XOXOX

Patrick Fillion

I'm sure it will be here by the weekend... I'll go check the mailbox this weekend, and let you know. But I wouldn't worry -- I've had items take a really long time when sent from Europe, so it's not unusual... yet. But my God, am I ever looking forward to receiving it. As for this latest page, again -- BRAVO!!!!! You accomplished the "striking" pose and it's immediately captivating. I can't wait to see the next installment. XOXO :D <3


I hope you're right, but everyone I sent it to has it, including in the USA, so idk, gotta be patient, and faithful! Merci encore, mon ami ! Bises