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The giant Perk thudded through the forest, leaving a trail of destruction behind him. Multiple villages had been left barren wastelands by this Giants hunger, every single villager had met their end in his gurgling belly.

Belches roared through the woodlands as skulls and bones showered down onto the ground. Rubbing his full distended belly, Perk felt it growl - he hungered for more. His insatiable desire to grow his gut as much as possible had overtaken him. His lust for swallowing men led him in the direction of smoke in the distance. Coming out into the clearing, about a mile ahead before him laid a lazy village.

He strode quickly upon the town, looking at it's stocky inhabitants of mostly Fisher men and smiths. Perturbed by the shaking ground, one of the beefy villagers had walked out of the village towards the lumbering figure, arms outstretched he shouted a greeting up to Perk.

"Welcome to our Village Frie---"

Before the man could finish, a large hand wrapped around him and he was quickly gulped down the giants throat and fell into the depths of the belly.


The giant quickly headed into the village, whose occupants now began running in every direction. In a quick motion, relentlessly the giant began plucking the townsfolk into the air and downing them each with one swallow. The pleading from the townsfolk was quickly silenced by the gurgling belly.

Some running were thrown to the ground by the violent belches aimed in their direction, and  were quickly scooped up and swallowed.

The giant continued gobbling up the village un till every single man had met their new flabby home. With a contented sigh, Perk rested on the ground, crushing a few homes in the process. His large squirming belly hung heavily on his lap. His hands explored every new inch of gut, whilst letting out thunderous belches.

Not much time had passed before his belly had churned up the population. A large round belly bounced on the giants frame. Falling on his back, with one large belch - which showered the neighbouring area in discarded clothes and some skulls - he fell into a deep sleep. Cradling his large belly.





Those are some lucky villagers 🤤