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Some of Echo's goons got the jump on Gwen after months of her  whooping their asses & screwing up her plans! so they decided  to permanently slow her down with a cement enema! :O 



Andrew Steiner

That one way to have a permanent looking pregnant belly without getting fat.


Your arts usually make my day better. Thanks for content especially since it comes out very often, we appreciate you!

Todd Howe-Laprade

Glad to hear it can brighten up your day B L! :D & I try my best! I'll try to upload even more cuz I been doing a lotta sketches!~ ;)


it would be interesting and funny to see her after she gets free and tries to balance. especially if he tries to get into a classic superhero pose.

Andrew Steiner

Agreed Zero-Thl. With Gwen's abilities that weight problem won't even affect her.


Hmm.... Gwen's definitely gonna need to start working out them legs and maybe weaponize that cement belly.

Andrew Steiner

I would love to see that Olimar002. The gangs would now realize their mistake of what they did.