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Just wanted to say Hope all you wonderful people are having a great day/afternoon/night?~ :3

Also hope Y'all like pregnant/big bellied videogame ladies from between 1994 & 1997~ ;)



Hope you're having a wonderful day as well. No need to hope for that last question, I'm 100% I will like it ;]

Todd Howe-Laprade

Ehh its been kinda slow but not bad! just glad to be home from work & to start drawing!~ :3 but thanks Dude!~ :D & I think Y'all all enjoy them!~ ;) especially if you like Killer instinct or Megaman legends~ :3


No worries if things are slow, the important part is to enjoy what you do. We all love your work and hope to continue supporting you <3

Todd Howe-Laprade

Aww~ thanks dude!~ :D & I normally work pretty quick tbh! only thing that really slows me down a lot is realistic stuff, comics or big projects with multiple ladies & a background!~ :P