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A... very self indulgent thing I spent my sunday evening on. XD

I used my worgen character Myoo for it because I haven't drawn her in so long (and she's the character I tend to use for super lewd stuff). I'm torn between just finishing it up (or at least doing flat color) over time, or opening it up as a YCH auction for the male characters. But then I'd probably have to change the male worgen. Should I just do like "your character here, but they're a werewolf!"?




I hope they will stay proper worgen. Very lovely.


I love that expression shot in the corner especially


Oooh, nice to see Myoo again :3


Pretty interesting that you’re doing an internal shot for this one. Don’t really see a lot of that from your works.


Yea, it's because it's something I'm super picky about. Personally, I absolutely hate them when they end up looking like a doctor's room diagram. Like it ruins hot art for me lol! I'm not gonna fill in much of the "flesh" cutout if that makes any sense, I'm more interested in seeing the cum. XD