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Hi all! I have a lot to show but I'm setting everything up to start giving out rewards via Dropbox this month. For new people or those who might have missed previous questions, from now on anything that isn't really WIPish like this will be put in a dropbox folder for everyone who's cleared the previous month's payment to grab (I'll be sending out a link to everyone who got charged for last month soon, and at the beginning of next month a link to everyone who got charged for this month, etc). Because of the way Patreon is set up with charging people for a month only at the beginning of next month I have been getting more and more "sign up and run" people. This way all art will be previewed here (so you'll know when to check your folder!) but available only to honest folks. Raffle pics are also coming soon! I've been busy prepping my Anthrocon wares last week so that's all ready and out of the way! :D



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