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Full 2024 Video guide available now :) please let me know if you run into any issues i will do my best to help


HB's Graphics List 2024 Setup Guide.docx



Hi there, thank you for the guide it's been really helpful, however I ran into a bit of trouble with the mountains textures, look gray and blurry.


Don’t install the most recent file on Majestic mountains, instead go right down to the bottom and install the Majestic Mountains Main File version 1.84 under “old files”

Fluffer's friend, Jason!

Burns! Question! Do you know if the Cabbage ENB has night eye fix or is compatible with night eye, or a mod like Predator Vision? The pages documentation has nothing about night eye on it.


Hmmm just subcribed to your patreon for this guide. Already on the first page it seems very out of date. The LOOT is no longer available. Feeling a bit ripped of with this out of date guide :(


Awesome list homie looks great thanks!

Blerd Static

Oi! When going to download LOOT from nexusmods, it says the author has decided to hide the mod until they have finished updating it. We're done mate, we're done! What do we do?


Hey, a couple of pages on the Lux FOMOD is missing. It is asking about the Vanilla and SMIM meshes and it has (parallax next to it) I wasn't sure what to do so I left it without parallax.

Dan Ries

LOOT is still available and up-to-date via GitHub: https://github.com/loot/loot/releases/tag/0.22.3

Alec Urban

Hey, I installed these mods and for some reason other mods I have aren't working. The two ones that aren't working so far are SKYUI and Ordinator. They show up in the creations folder, but they aren't working.

Jonny Kosschuk

Have the same issue. Not sure why but SKYUI just doesn't seem to work ?

Madeline Palenzuela

I appreciate the effort, but considering this guide is in essence behind a paywall, I expected much better. The guide is out of date and won't work the way you've laid it out since quite a few of the mods are incompatible. For example the cathedral mods with ENB loaded. The Vortex collection (I know you didn't put that together) also won't work with the latest Steam version of the game, which a majority of people use for these older pc games. I'll be cancelling my subscription and disputing the charge, since it's obvious you're not actually providing what you promise in the membership pages. For anyone else reading this, ADHDecent on YT has an excellent step by step video series that will guide you through everything you need to know to get a visually stunning and advanced gameplay experience and IT ALL WORKS.