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Prologue: Esclavizado Forest

The two boys stood before a dark forest on the far outskirts of town. They stood outside of it both wearing bright red shirts, and holding cameras.

“I’m starting to think this a bad idea Marco.” The smaller one said. His skin was bronze with jet black hair. He was skinny and short, his hands shaking as he tried to hold the camera.

“Don’t be afraid Carlos!” Marco said. “Once we get footage of the forest guardian we will be world famous!” He smiled. Marco was taller and more muscular than his friend, but shared his bronze skin and jet black hair. “We’ve been waiting for this for weeks!”

“You’re right..” Carlos admitted in defeat. He stared into the dark forest,rumor was the forest was protected by a forest guardian that would hurt anyone who disrespected it's forest. For years no one had dared stepped into the woods.

“Hey guys Marco and Carlos here for UrbEx Boys, today we’re going into the Esclavizado Forest. Famous for it's forest guardian, and today we are gonna try and capture it on camera! Let’s go!” Marco said into the camera, before attaching it to a head strap. Carlos turned on his camera too strapping it to his head. Carlos gulped as the two headed into the forest.

The inside of the forest was easily 25 degrees colder than the outside, and much darker too, it seemed as if the pair had entered a new world. The pair looked around in amazement.

“This is amazing.” Marco said. Walking forward. Carlos followed after as the two ventured deep into the woods.

“I think we should take a break.” Carlos said. It had been several hours since they entered the woods and the woods had only gotten darker.

“I think that's a good idea.” Marco said dropping his backpack down on the ground. “It has to be lunch time by now.” He pulled out his lunch. The pair ate their lunches sitting on a downed log.

“Do you have any service here?” Carlos said pulling out his phone.

“No, but we’re in the middle of the woods.” Marcos said. “It's normal.”

“Yeah I figured that, but my clock still says it's the same time as when we came in.” Carlos said.

“Hmm that's odd. My watch hasn’t moved either.” Marcos said looking at his watch. “Must be the forest guardian” Marcos laughed. “Hold on let me vlog this I’ll be right back.”

Marcos grabbed one of the cameras, and walked a bit away from Carlos.

“Hey guys Marcos here, and I wanted to show you something Insane!” Carlos could hear Marcus say from where he was sitting. Carlos looked around the forest from where he was sitting. The trees were all very dark with barely any leaves on them. They had barely seen any animals since they started. A ocasional deer or bird, but not many.

“CARLOS!” Marco Yelled.

Carlos looked up Marco was barely in view now.

“GET OVER HERE!” Marcos yelled.

Carlos got up, and ran towards Marcos leaving his backpack behind.

“What.” Carlos said out of breath. Marco grabbed carlos by the shoulders and turned him. “Oh my god.” Carlos said.

The two starred, in the middle of the middle of the dark woods was a lush green area with a spring and berries. A garden of eden compared to the dark woods around them. The only thing separating them from it was a patch of thorn bushes.

“Come on!” Marco said already going into the thorns. Carlos followed after the thorns digging painfully into his skin.

The two reached the otherside, their skin seemed completely untouched by the thorns despite feeling the pain from the thorns, but their clothes were ripped and shredded. Marcos looked down at his shredded shirt and pants, revealing much of his body, he looked at carlos to see the same. Marcos stripped down to just his underwear tossing his ripped clothes aside.

“I uh...Uh” Carlos was uncomfortable with stripping even in front of Marcos, but his clothes were so torn and shredded it was the only thing that made sense, so he followed and stripped down to just his underwear.

“This place is amazing.” Marcos said looking around. He walked around taking in the sights. The lush green grass and the beautiful spring in the middle. He walked over to a bush with berries on it, and ate one. It's sweet mouthwatering taste filling his mouth.

“Carlos you must try this.” Marcos said tossing Carlos a berry.

Carlos popped the berry in his mouth, he had never tried something so good. As soon as he swallowed it he felt his mind relax. He could feel the energy of the place around him. Everything seemed so perfect and so clear.

He looked over to Marco. Marco’s eyes were wide and dilated, Carlos watched as Macro pulled off his underwear. His member flopped out hard and dripping. Carlos looked down at himself and realized he had also taken off his underwear and was hard and dripping.

They both walked towards each other meeting in the middle. Carlos surprised himself by making the first move and kissing Marco. Everything felt so right. Marco kissed back pulling Carlos close, their bodies pressed against each other. They could both feel it, they were one with each other and one with the forest.

“Take me..” Carlos whispered. Feeling everything Marco felt and everything the forest felt. Marco wasted no time bending Carlos over and penetrating him. With each thrust they both felt an orgasmic wave of pleasure in their bodies, and felt the forest coming to life around them. They both knew it had been waiting years for a guardian and now it had found two. Marcos thrusted in and out of Carlos, sweat pouring off his muscled body onto the ground below. Carlos moaned he had never felt so good in his life. He heard Marco let out a loud a moan before he felt the hot rush of cum inside of him. Carlos moaned and came himself his cum landing on the forest floor. He looked at Marco, his body had a green glow around it. The glow of the forest. They had both changed, and the forest itself had changed. The pair held hands as they walked into their forest together. Rumor was the forest was protected by a forest guardian that would hurt anyone who disrespected it's forest, but the truth was that the forest had lain dormant for years waiting, and now it had two guardians to protect it.

Part 1: Into the Woods

Five boys stood in front of a forest. The forest dark and dense stood on the outskirts of a town that had been abandoned during a landslide many years ago. All five boys stood with backpacks and cameras.

“So this is where they went missing?The Esclavizado Forest?” One of the boys asked. He was a thin blonde haired guy of average height.

“Yep they say the forest guardian got them, but don’t worry Danny I got you” A brown haired muscular boy said. He flexed sticking his tongue out at Danny.

“Oh wow thanks Tommy. You’re so brave.” Danny rolled his eyes with a smile.

“There's no such thing as a forest guardian. It's a stupid myth.” The boy’s leader said.He was a tall guy with dyed purple hair, and a slim muscular build. “We’re just here for the views.Nick, Nate. I hope you charged the drones we might need them.” He said referring to the two identical red haired boys standing next to him.

“Yes all charged up, Troy.” Nate began. “And we brought the land drone too. Nick finished.

“Perfect.” Troy said. “Let's go then. Maybe we will even get a dead body on camera.” He joked as he headed into the forest.

The four other boys shared an annoyed look, and followed after Troy.

They entered in the forest and looked around.

“Wow” they all said in unison. Taking it in. The first fifty or so feet of the forest were dead and dark, but beyond that forest was dense and green.

“Ok boys, cameras on and ready!” Troy demanded. All the boys switched on their various gopros. Troy took out his vlogging camera, Pointing it at himself and the boys.

“Hey guys! It's UrbanTroy here back with the boys!” He said cheerfully into the camera. “Today we’re in the dreaded, the mysterious  Esclavizado Forest! You guys may know this place UrbEx Boys were headed to before they stopped posting and weren’t heard from again. Today we’re going to set off and see if we can find any traces of them! Stay tuned!” Troy put the camera down his face turning back to a neutral expression.

“OK boys let's go.”  He said marching into the dense woods. The rest of the group followed after.

“So um what if we do find their bodies.” Danny asked. “Are you actually going to film it?”

“Yeah why not?” Troy said painly. “It's good for views. A controversy never hurt anyone.”

“It just seems kinda wrong.” Tommy chimed in.

“Well maybe that's why I have 3 times the amount of subscribers as you Tommy. I’m not afraid to take risks.” Troy snapped back.

Tommy and Danny looked at each other with knowing glances. They had been friends with Troy for years, but both secretly couldn’t stand him.

The group came to a clearing after several hours of hiking. The area was flat and open with plenty of room to set up camp.

“Ok guys I think we should set up camp here for the night.it's getting dark.” Troy said setting his pack down.

The other boys nodded and they all set up their tents. Nick and Nate were tenting together. Tommy and Danny also were tenting together, but Troy insisted on his own tent, and of course he had the biggest tent out of anyone in the group. After sitting up camp Nick and Nate made a fire, and they all sat around it.

“So what do you guys think happened to them?” Nate said. “Me and Nick have been discussing it for a while now.”

“I think they ran away together. Secret lovers.” Tommy said winking at Danny.

“Oh buzz off.” Danny said. “I uh, I think they died.” Danny said his tone becoming more serious. “ I don’t know if it was in these woods or on the way here. Maybe they even got caught in the landside while staying in town, but I think they died.”

“No way they’re dead.” Troy said. “They were big YouTubers in Mexico. They weren’t big in the US, but I’m still sure they made enough money to retire early and decided to just quit and run away somewhere.”

“I hope you’re right.” Nick said.

“I think we should hit the hay.” Nick said looking at Nate. Nate noded. “Goodnight guys.” He added.

The pair walked to their tent.

“Should we have told them that we knew Marco and Carlos?” Nate asked.

“No it wouldn’t change anything at all. I just hope we find answers.” Nick spoke with a somber tone.

“So umm the twins?” Danny asked Troy. “Why are they here? They’re not exactly part of our group.”

“They’re really good with technology.” Troy said. “Also they said if I let them come they’d pay for our travel. Don’t know why didn’t want to ask.”

“Oh that's interesting.” Danny said intrigued. The twins had just moved into their town a few months ago, and while really nice they never really hung out or talked. “Well I think I’m going to head to bed too.” He yawned. “Coming Tommy?”

“Yeah.” Tommy replied. “Night Troy.”

“Night guys.” Troy said as the pair left him.

Tommy and danny entered their tent. They both stripped into their underwear.

“I never thought we’d get any alone time.” Tommy said. “Come here sexy.” He opened his arms to embrace Danny, but instead he was met to a slap on his pec.

“You were way to flirty out there. What if Troy catches on?” Danny said a repressed anger in his voice. His eyes looked like they were filling up with tears.

“Hey hey. Hey.” Tommy said grabbing Danny and pulling him close. “No one will find out until your ready. I promise babe.” He brushed his hand through Danny’s hair and kissed him softly on the head. Danny pushed his body closer to Tommy’s kissing his chest.

Danny continued to kiss down Tommy’s chest. Pulling off his underwear, revealing Tommy’s cock. Danny looked up at Tommy a devilish grin on his face as he slowly put the tip into his mouth and began to sensually suck on it.
Tommy moaned, resting his hand on Danny’s head, guiding back and forth as he continued to suck away on his hard cock. Danny began to suck faster bobbing his head in and out trying to take as much of Tommy’s cock in his mouth as he could. He continued to suck deep throating Tommy’s cock quicker and quicker.

Tommy moaned loudly before shooting his load into Danny’s mouth. Danny swallowed it right away, and then wrapped himself around Tommy’s muscular body again.

“I love you.” Tommy said holding Danny close.

“I love you too.” Danny said.

Trot sat by the fire. He didn’t feel tired at all, he just felt disappointed in the day he got no good footage whatsoever and nothing happened.

“Maybe I can use the nightvision camera and get some footage.” He thought to himself aloud. He unzipped his tent and grabbed his bag taking out the night vision camera. He slung his backpack on his back and turned on the camera walking out of camp.

“GUYS WAKE UP!” A voice sounded through the camp.

“Five more minutes…” Tommy said sleepy burying his head in Danny’s back.

“WAKE UP! EVERYONE!” The voice sounded again.

Tommy, and Danny shot up and left the tent. Nick and Nate were standing by Troy’s tent.

“What’s going on?” Danny asked sleepily. He had managed to grab a pair of shorts and slip them on as he walked out.

“It's Troy.” Nick said. “I woke up early and went to tell him that the GPS wasn’t working. When I got over here his tent was wide open and his bag was gone.

“We have to find them.” Nate said. “Also put some pants on Tommy.”

The whole group looked over Tommy had left the tent in a panic because of the yelling and hadn’t grabbed pants or underwear. Danny smirked abit trying not to laugh.

“I Uh...Yeah.” Tommy said embarrassed running back to his tent and returned a few minutes later with a pair of shorts on.

“Better.” Nate said, and Nick nodded his head in agreement. “Now we need to look for him, I think me and Nate should group together and you two should group together. He handed Tommy a walkie talkie. “If you guys find him use this. It's got a 10 mile range, and I don’t think he could have gone that far.”

“How will we find camp again?” Danny asked.

“You’ll just have to remember which way you go.” Nick said. “With the GPS broken it's all we can do...Good luck guys.”

“Thanks...you too.”  Tommy said.

Both pairs walked off into the woods in seperate directions unaware of what waited for them in the woods.

Part 2: Vexing Vines

“Checking in.” Nate’s spoke into the walkie talkie.

“We’re still here, and still fine.” Tommy’s voice rang back through the walkie talkie.

“You don’t have to send a check in every five minutes.” Nick said.

“I just wanna make sure.” Nate snapped back. “I don’t like this place.”

The pair looked around. The forest had taken a different feel the further they ventured into it. It no longer looked like your typical forest, but instead looked like a jungle rainforest with a high humidity and vines wrapping around all of the trees. The forest had truly  turned into a jungle as they went deeper into it.

“Do you think Marco and Carlos made it this far?” Nick asked as they trudged through the jungle.

“I try not to think about it anymore.” Nate said. “We were stupid to think we could come here and find them perfectly fine.”

“I know….” Nick said somberly. “I just wish I knew what happened. One minute we are chatting online and then suddenly nothing from them.”

“I know.” Nate replied simply. They had met Marcos and Carlos online and had been great friends with them online. They were supposed to meet, but the two disappeared before they could get the chance.

“Hey” Nick said. “Did you activate the emergency beacon?”

“Yeah, I don’t know if it’ll do anything with how the GPS systems were acting, but I figured it was worth a try.” Nate said in reply. He had left the beacon back at the camp before they all had left. If it worked it would send a distress signal to anyone within 100 miles.

The two continued walking through the woods going deeper, and deeper as the day went on. Until they reached an area filled with strange flowers where they decided to eat lunch.

“These flowers are so weird looking I wonder what they are?” Nate said trying to pick one. “They’re really stuck into the ground.” He said yanking harder. He fell backwards the flower staying firmly planted in the ground. A large rumbling swept through the forest, and all at once the flowers release a spore.

The spore floated up into the air around Nick and Nate. As they breathed the spores entered into their bodies.

“Are you ok?” Nick said trying to help his twin up.

“Yeah I just uh.. Wow.” Nate mumbled as the spore traveled into his mind. He looked his twin up and down. He had never felt more turned on in his life. Without thinking he shoved his hands down his twin’s pants feeling his cock.

“NATE!” Nick said startled feeling his twin’s hand on his cock, but as the spore entered his mind he felt his Cock grow hard in Nate’s hand.

The pair looked at each for a second the spore taking over their minds, and then grabbed each other kissing, and stripping the other down. They both stood naked for a second deciding how to act next, but Nick took the next step, and bent over facing his twin. He couldn’t explain it, but he needed Nate’s cock in him.
No words were needed for Nate to go forward he understood his twin’s needs perfectly, and just like Nick he couldn’t explain it, but he needed to put his cock in Nick.

He lined himself up with Nick’s ass, and began to pound into him. Each movement in and out feeling like the best sex he had ever had. They both moaned at the same time. Neither had felt a level of pleasure like this before. It felt so wrong, but so right.

“Faster…harder...” Nick begged, and Nate was more than happy to oblige increasing the speed and roughness of him motions. His twin’s tight ass taking all of his dick whether he wanted it or not.

“MMM FUCK!” Nate moaned.He could feel himself ready to cum, ready to blow his load inside of his twin. Nick could feel it too.

“Cum in me...Cum” He begged. The spore turning him into a cum hungry slut for his twin’s seed.

Nate didn’t need to be told twice, he let his load shoot into his twin’s tight ass, and at the same time Nick came shooting his own load on the forest floor. Both collapsed on the forest floor as the spore left their bodies.

The pair woke up their naked bodies pressed together.

“Wow.” They both said in unison.

“Why haven’t we done that before?” Nate said.

“I don’t now...that was great.” Nick said. “We should do it again later”

“We should.” Nate said already getting hard at the idea of doing it again. “Maybe I can be bottom next time?”

“Yeah sure.” Nick said. He looked around the woods the area around them was different than where they were before. “Uh where are we?”

“Oh my god look!” Nate said walking over to a thorn bush at the edge of the area they were in. He pulled a piece of red fabric off the bush. A thorn pricking his finger causing him to bleed. “Just like the shirts Marcos and Carlos wore when they filmed!” He said happily.

“Don’t get too excited, that could be from anyone.” Nick said.

“Well there are more through these thorns, and there seems to be some clearing or something past that!” Nate said. He ran to his backpack pulling out a small machete.

“Nate I don’t think that's a good idea.” Nick said. “Remember the flowers?” He pleaded, but it was already to late. Nate slashed at the thorns with the machete, but they didn’t budge.

“For fucks sake.” He said trying again.

As he swung down on the thorns a vine shot out wrapping around Nate’s leg dragging him to a tree on the other side of the clearing. Two more vines shot out of a tree wrapping around his arms and pulling him upward.

“Help! Help!” Nate screamed.Nick watched in horror. Unable to make a move or noise as he watched the vines take his brother. Another vine shot out of seemingly nowhere, and penetrated straight into his twin’s ass. Nate came instantly as the vine invaded his body, and As another vine entered into his ear, Nate’s eyes went pure white as he just became a shell for the forest to play with.Nick starred in horror before grabbing the walkie talkie.

“GUYS COME IN GUYS” He screamed. “GUYS NATE IS DEAD, IT GOT HIM! THE FOREST GOT HIM!” He cried into the walkie talkie. There was no reply. He tired again and again, but got no reply. He broke down crying.

“I should have let you test it...I should have let you test it...I should have let you test it.” He repeated over and over again.

He sat on the forest floor for hours staring at his twin. He wasn’t dead, but he wasn’t alive either his body and mind taken over by the vines. Nick knew he needed to get out of there, he knew it wasn’t safe there, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that someone or something was watching him.

“Goodbye Nate…” He said through tears. “I’ll miss you.” He kissed his twin.

Nick walked back over to his stuff and put his clothes back on, and grabbed his pack. This was no longer about finding Troy for him, it was about getting out of the forest.

Part 3 Devastating Desert

Nick walked through the forest, time didn’t seem to exist anymore he had been walking for what seemed like days maybe even weeks, but according to his watch no time had passed at all. The green fertile forest floor had turned to sand, It was almost like he was in a desert, but still covered by the trees of the forest.

“Fuck.” He said aloud. The air had become hot and dry over the past few miles, and he was growing thristier and thrister the further he walked.He stopped for a second pulling out his water bottle to take a drink, but it was empty.

“Fuck I can’t do this….I can’t do this!” He screamed. He knew he had no choice though if he didn’t keep going he would never make it out alive. “Just gotta keep going.” He told himself. He took his shirt off hoping it would be cooler without it on.

Nick stared down confused as sweat poured down his sixpack. He hadn’t had this six pack a few days ago he had always been slim, but now his body was mysteriously toned. He rubbed his hands down his new abs. As he did an orgasmic feeling rushed over his body.

His cock grew hard instantly, and he was filled with a intense desire to jack off then and there. He started to pull down his pants giving into his desire, but stopped himself shaking his head.

“No I need to stay focused.” He said taking his hands out of his pants. He continued to walk through the forest for several more hours until he came upon the entrance to a cave.

Nick watched as a naked short skinny boy with Jet black hair stood outside the cave. It took Nick a second to recognize the figure, but when his mind finally processed what he was seeing he was sure.

“CARLOS!” Nick called out. He didn’t expect this, but then again he didn’t know what to expect anymore.

Carlos looked back at Nick and nodded. Then he walked into the cave disappearing into the darkness.

“Wait!” Nick yelled chasing after.He ran into the cave down the dark passageway trying to catch up with Carlos.

He stopped as he came to a large open cavern, the temperature had risen greatly inside the massive cavern. He looked around the cavern It looked exactly like a desert with massive sand dunes, and cacti everywhere. Bioluminescent fungi covered the ceiling of the cavern giving Nick plenty of light to sleep with. Nick looked around for Carlos, but didn’t see him anywhere.

He trudged through the sand of the massive cavern walking up a dune that seemed to be in the middle of the massive space. As he reached the top he saw the most beautiful thing.

“Water!” He said. Seeing the small pond of water at the bottom of the dune. He sprinted towards it with all of his energy. As he reached the bottom he stripped off his pants, and underwear jumping naked into the cool water. He sighed a sigh of relief as the water cooled his body. He drank from the cool water, and as he did he saw himself in the water.

Nick didn’t recognize himself. His once bright red hair not almost black because of the mud and debris in it. His face looked worn and older. It was like he aged 5 years over the course of a few days.

“What happened to me.” Nick asked himself.

“You’ve been here for a long time Nick.”  A familiar voice echoed through the cavern.

“NATE!” Nick perked up looking around, but didn’t see anyone.

“I’m here Nick.” He heard the voice again. “I’m part of the forest now Nick, so are Carlos and Marco.”

“Can you help me get out of here? Plase Nate.” Nick begged. “I’m so tired Nate, I’m so tired.”

“I know Nick. I know.” Nates voice rang out. “I don’t want you to be tired anymore.”

Nick watched as a pile of sand picked itself up from the desert floor, it quickly formed a human shape.

“Nate?” Nick asked walking over to the sand. His naked body dripping wet from the water.

“Yes Nick.” Nate said in the form of the sand pile. “I don’t want you to be tired anymore.”

“I don’t want to be tired anymore.” Nick said crying.

Nate extended his arm out, and Nick grabbed for it. He could feel his brother through the sand, he could feel his thoughts, his memories, he could even feel the vines that had invaded his brother’s body.

“I’m sorry, but I promise it’ll be better this way.” Nate said as the sand traveled down Nick’s body.

“Wait Nate what are you doing?!” Nick asked as the sand covered his body. As it completely surrounded his naked body, and hardened to his figure. His body was petrified in the hardened sand that surrounded him, but his mind was part of the forest now. He was with Nate again, and Carlos and Marco as well.

Part 4: Terrible Troy

“Maybe I can use the nightvision camera and get some footage.” Troy thought to himself aloud. He unzipped his tent and grabbed his bag taking out the night vision camera. He slung his backpack on his back and turned on the camera walking out of camp.

He walked through the dark woods using the night vision camera. He could barely see anything, but the possibility of finding something in the woods kept him going. He walked for hours finding nothing at all.

“Fuck.” He said exhausted. His camera battery was running low, and he was beyond tired. He decided to get some rest even if it meant sleeping on the forest floor. He laid on the ground and closed his eyes. Hoping to get some rest.

He woke up the next morning on the forest floor. His clothes were wet from the dew on the ground.

“Oh fuck it.” He said stripping down to his underwear. He had more clothes at camp and didn’t really care if the guys saw him practically nude. He looked around the area where he slept. He hadn’t seen it in the dark, but across from where he laid down there was a backpack covered in moss. He opened it up. Inside was some moldy food, a bright red shirt, and a the bottom he could see a camera. He threw all of the other contents onto the forest floor, but took out the camera, and turned it on. He was surprised to find it still had a full battery. He looked through the contents and played the first video on it.

“Hey guys Marco and Carlos here for UrbEx Boys, today we’re going into the Esclavizado Forest. Famous for it's forest guardian, and today we are gonna try and capture it on camera! Let’s go!” Marco’s voice rang out from the camera.

“Oh my god.” Troy said under his breath. “I’m going to get so rich, and famous off this.” He packed the camera into his bag, and began to hike towards camp.

Troy walked through the woods for hours, he was confused as to why he couldn’t find camp, but at the same time his mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of being rich and famous. The idea got him so hot, and so Horny.

“Mm Fuck.”  He was so horny he couldn’t contain it anymore. He pulled out his cock and started stroking it.It wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small either it was the perfect size for slim yet muscular body. His body overcome with waves of pleasure as he stroked to the idea of his new life, rich, famous, and able to get any girl he wanted. “Fuck.” He moaned as he continued to stroke his cock. Moaning louder and louder until he couldn’t hold back any longer and shot his load on a nearby tree.
He smiled to himself pulling his underwear backup and continuing to walk through the forest. With the ideas of fame, and fortune in his head he didn’t even realize as he walked right past the camp and kept going.  He kept walking until he reached another clearing. He stopped and stared in disbelief at what he was seeing. Nate was hanging by arms from a tree, completely naked vines entering almost every opening in his body. His skin had moss growing on and his eyes were a pure white. His cock was hard and leaking cum onto the forest floor below.

“What the….what the fuck.” He stammered backwards his body slamming into a thorn bush. “FUCK!” He screamed his bare back bleeding as the thorns dug into it.

He ran forward in pain his body slamming into Nate’s. He fell to the ground Nate’s cum dripping onto his abs from above.

Troy got back up, his mind filled with anger. He punched Nate’s body straight in the stomach and walked back over to the thorns. He could see something on the other side. He could see someone.

“You know what. Fuck this forest.” Troy said going through his backpack. “This will do.” He smiled pulling out his spray deodorant and a lighter.

He used the lighter to light the spray as he sprayed it out burning the thorns away. The forest rumbled around him as he did so, but he didn’t care. He advanced through the thorns as he burned them away. He entered into the opening. It was lush and green with a small pond in the middle. Berry bushes lined the lined the area, and across the pond from him two naked figures stood staring at him.

“It was you!” Troy growled facing the two figures.

Part 5: Eventful Escape

“Checking in.” Nate’s spoke into the walkie talkie.

“We’re still here, and still fine.” Tommy’s voice rang back through the walkie talkie.

“Isn’t that like the fifth time in the past hour?” Danny asked as the two walked through the woods.

“He just wants to make sure we are ok.” Tommy said. “Plus they’re probably scared, this place isn’t known for it's five class resorts.”

“Haha very funny.” Danny said. He wouldn’t admit it to Tommy, but he was scared

“You this is probably bad to say…” Tommy started. “But if we didn’t find Troy I wouldn’t be too sad.” Danny said nothing, but nodded in agreement. Troy had over the past few months become unbearable, not only he had been overly homophobic, but he seemed obsessed with money.

As they walked in the woods the air became frigid and cold. Danny shivered.

“Are you ok babe?” Tommy asked as he stopped and pulled Danny close.

“Yeah just cold.” Danny replied. “He buried himself in Tommy’s chest. He was warm, and comfortable.

“Hey babe” Tommy said.

“Yeah?” Danny’s muffled voice came from Tommy’s chest.

“Look.” Danny turned to look at what Tommy was mentioning. Standing in the distance was a bronze skinned naked man with a muscular body.

“That can’t be…” Danny said. “Marco….?”

Marco turned to the boys smiling. He motioned to them to follow him.

“Do we follow him?” Tommy asked looking at Danny.

“I think we have to.” Danny said taking the lead and following after Marco.

The boys followed Marco as well as they could, but he was moving too fast for them to get close to him. The boys chased after the woods constantly changing around them. Finally they came to a patch of thorn bushes. Danny and Thomas Watched as Marco walked straight through them not a scratch on his body. Danny walked forward towards the thorns.

“What are you doing?” Tommy asked grabbing his arm.

“I know it sounds crazy, but we have to go in there.” Danny said. His fear had been replaced with a strange drive he couldn’t explain.

Tommy looked at the thorns. They seemed to go far, and deep they would both easily be pricked head to toe with the thorns, a painful experience. Tommy looked Danny, he trusted Danny more than anyone else in the world.

“Ok babe, I trust you. Let's do this.” Tommy said. Taking Danny’s hand.

The pair walked into the thorns together. The patch of thorns were long and thick sticking into their skin as they went. Both could feel the incredible pain of them, but both keep going forward.

As they broke through to the otherside they found themselves naked. Standing a large opening in the forest,  It was lush and green with a small pond in the middle. Berry bushes lined the lined the area. Marco was nowhere to be seen.

“Where are we?” Tommy asked. He could feel the change of energy in this place.

“The heart.” Danny said. He didn’t know how he knew, but he knew. “This is the heart of the forest.”

“How do you…” Tommy was cut off as Danny walked up to him kissing him. “Wow” He said.

Danny grabbed Tommy pulling him closer, kissing him. He couldn’t explain it, but he was filled with lust. It took Tommy a second, but within a few seconds of making out he could feel the lust too.He Grabbed Danny’s ass pulling him closer to his body. He needed him and he needed him now. Danny grabbed Tommy’s already erect cock tugging on it softly as the two made out.

Tommy pushed Danny onto the soft ground and laid on top of him kissing him as he started to move his cock in and of his ass. Danny moaned as Tommy’s cock moved in and out of his body. He could feel everything around him, Tommy, the forest, his friends.

“Fuck” Tommy moaned as he pumped his cock in and out. He had never felt Closer to Danny, he couldn’t explain it, but just knew they were connected on a level they never had been before.

Danny moaned again grabbing at the grass, waves of pleasure shot through his body. Tommy moaned in reply, his body tensing up before shooting his load into Danny.

He rolled over next to Danny kissing him. They both laid on the ground breathing heavily.

“That was the best.” Tommy said.

“I love you Tommy.” Danny said.

“I love you too Danny.” Tommy smiled.

“You know what. Fuck this forest.” a voice sounded through the area. Both boys stood up looking across the pond where the noise was coming from. They watched as fire burned away the thorns and Troy walked through to the other side.

He was nearly naked just in his underwear, a white liquid covering part of his abs. His purple hair was dirty, and he looked angry.

“It was you!” Troy growled facing the two figures. “You fuckers did all of this!”

“Did what?” Tommy asked confused.

“You killed them!” Troy said. He reached into his backpack. “ And you messed with my chance to become rich and famous!”

“We didn’t do anything!” Danny said.

“Yes you did!” Troy shouted. He pulled a gun out of his backpack pointing it at Danny. “Admit it!”

“Hey! Hey! Calm down!” Tommy said stepping in front of Danny.

“Tommy..” Danny whispered.

“I told you I would protect you.” Tommy said not taking his eyes off Troy.

Troy’s hands were shaking as pointed the gun. He took a deep breath and fired the gun.

The bullet flew through the air towards Tommy, but before it could hit him it stopped mid air over the pond.

“WHAT THE FUCK.” Troy screamed firing off more rounds. All froze mid air over the pond.

Nick and Nate walked out of the thorns. Their naked bodies were covered with a weird glow. As they walked out of the thorns the bullets fell into the water.

“Troy, you are a selfish entitled asshole.” Nick said.

“You abused the forest, the abused your friends, and you even abused my body.” Nate added. “You deserve everything coming to you.

“Fuck you! No one liked you two anyway! I only invited you for the free travel cost!” troy shouted, he tried to fire more shots, but was out of bullets.

“You have hurt our forest.” A voice sounded, as Marco and Carlos walked into the grove.

“You put your friends at risk for fame.” Carlos said. Moss seemed to be growing on his beautiful bronze skin.

“We have seen your heart.” Marco said. He looked to Danny and Tommy. “You two are pure. You show love for each other, and others.”

Troy pulled out a knife as Marco was talking, and charged at him. He sprinted as fast as he could stabbing Marco straight through the chest.

Marco looked down at the stab wound pulling the knife out.

“You are pure evil.” He said. “You must be dealt with.”  As he spoke tree branches shot out from deep into the woods stabbing themselves straight into Troy’s chest. The branches pulled his heart out, it had a dark sinister glow around it. Troy fell to the ground dead at the edge of the pond.

“Holy fuck.” Danny cursed at seeing Troy’s heart ripped out.

“Please leave this forest.” Marco said. “You have proven yourselves to be good.”

“What about Nick and Nate?” Tommy asked looking at the twins.

“They are part of the forest now.” Carlos said walking up next to Marco.

“It's ok.” Nick started.

“We like it this way.”  Nate finished. Grabbing onto his twin’s hand.

“Please now...Go” Marco said. As he did a patch of thorns disappeared allowing a passage to the outside world.

Tommy and Danny shared a look, and held each other’s hand walking through the newly revealed path. As they walked out of the forest they were greeted by a large team of people.

“We have survivors! I repeat we have survivors!” A man in a rescue uniform shouted.

“Are you ok? Here’s some water!” A woman said running up to them. “We got the signal from the emergency beacon. We’ve been searching for days, but found no one. Where is the rest of your group?”

Danny and Tommy looked around taking in the sight many rescue workers were surrounded the forest with tents posted everywhere. News Vans and reporters stood outside a yellow caution taped everywhere.

“Hey? Did you hear me?” The Woman repeated. “What happened to the rest of your group?”

“They’re all dead….” Danny said blanky grabbing Tommy’s hand. “We’re the only survivors…”

Part 6: Epilogue

Danny and Tommy boarded a helicopter. As they flew overhead they saw the forest from above, it looked so small from the sky. Maybe a mile or two long and less than that wide. When they arrived back in the states, they were accused of murdering their group members and sued by their families, but with no proof and no one willing to enter the forest the trial was quickly dropped.

Deep in the woods, Marcos and Carlos continued to keep watch, with the area abandoned the forest thrived and grew. The two continued to have a relationship in both a romantic and sexual form with each other. They had grown to love the forest and loved to be its guardians.

Nick and Nate lived in the desert cave primarily. They spent most of their time exploring each other’s bodies, but would occasionally meet up with Marcos and Carlos to learn about the forest.

Troy’s heart was cast into one of the darkest and deepest parts of the forest. His body placed similarly. As time went on the roots and vines grew over his body, and around his heart.

For years all was well in the forest, until in the deepest darkest part of the woods a dark heart started beating again….


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