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“The label says it's for dogs….” David said looking over the can of cream in his hands.”FurGoop”

“Yeah, but it totally grew hair in our dog’s hairless spots superquick.” Michael said looking at David’s disappointment. “I mean we don’t want to be the only college freshman without any chest hair do we??” He asked. “Plus I could rub it all over you.” He winked at David.

“I still don’t think chest hair is a big thing in college, but if you’re going to rub it on me...well then I’m in.” David winked back.

Michael opened up the can of cream, it was a golden color with a strong almond smell. He grabbed the cream and started rubbing it on David. David also grabbed some cream, and started rubbing back on his boyfriend. Their hands glided over each other’s smooth hairless bodies. Hands glided over nipples, down the chest, the pair became distracted, and hands glided down to their cocks, to their asses, and the pair started to make out filled with a horny lust. 

It didn’t take long before the pair was fucking Michael on top of David going at it hard and heavy. The cream spread across their whole bodies, but they were too focused on each other to notice. 

Michael’s cock pounded in and out of David as their bodies both began to change. First their feet changed into paws, then the fur started to sprout all over their bodies. David moaned as he felt Michael’s cock inside of him. He moaned even louder as Michael’s cock transformed and knotted into him locking the two together. 

Michael let out a howl as he felt his knot lock him to David. Both of their faces distorted and changed growing snouts. Michael continued to fuck David harder and faster his canie cock feeling so much sensitivity than when it was a human cock. He let out a final howl before cumming into his boyfriend’s new furry ass. 

“Fuck that was so hot.” David said. “Oh fuck” He said looking into the mirror. Gone was the skinny hairless boy who he had been just a few minutes ago. Now he was a  small furry  fox boy, his whole body completely changed.

“Wow” Michael said also looking in the mirror. He had also transformed, but into a large more muscular husky boy. “Guess it wasn’t for humans.”

“You think?” David said. He looked up at his boyfriend, he was now much smaller, and his boyfriend was tall and muscular. “I kinda like it though.”

“Heh, Me too.” Michael said looking at his thin fox boyfriend. “You know, I could go again.” 

“Me too.” David winked. He already liked his new body much more than his old one.


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