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Hey guys I am trying something new in the story department! Today I am presenting one of two stories where the main story is the same and the ending is what differs. This is a new format I am trying out, and this one the endings were pretty short, but I think in the future they could be much longer. I will release the other one tomorrow. Bold marks where the story changes depending on which one you read.

Trevor looked into the mirror, he had been working out for months now, but had barely gained any muscle. He sighed looking over the locker room at his work out buddy Alan. They both did the same workouts everyday yet Alan was jacked, and Trevor was not. He had seen Alan taking something before workouts, something he figured was steroids, and he had wanted to avoid, but no more. Today he was finally going to ask about it.

“Hey man can I ask you something?” Trevor walked up to Alan. Alan was tall with dark skin, and brown eyes, his body had a muscular build so good you would think he had been lifting his whole life.

“Sure man you can ask me anything.” Alanr replied. 

“I’ve seen you take something, and you’ve gotten so big man…” Trevor said unable to form a question.

“Oh that.” Alan paused and looked around the locker room, they were alone. “Look man I shouldn’t even be telling you this, but my uncle works for this company that is testing a fitness drug. One dose a week is enough to get me looking like this.” He paused to flex a bit. “You’re my bro right?”

“Yeah I’m your bro.” Trevor said.

“Look my uncle gave me this new version of the drug, it's supposed to be one and done. I’ll let you have one, but you gotta follow my directions, and you can’t tell nobody.” Alan said.

“Yea bro of course a secret.” Trevor said. He was extremely nervous, but excited.

Alan produced a vial of blue liquid and a needle from his locker. He screwed the needle onto the vial and then flicked it.

“Ok man. Hold out your arm.” Alan said, trevor did not hesitate to comply. “Now if this is anything like the other one you’ll feel a ton of pain, and then you’ll feel really tired. What's your address so I can call you a Lyft?”

“37 Riverside Court.” Trevor replied. 

“Ok. When the Lyft gets here you’ll go straight home, when you get inside sleep, you’ll need it. This next step is the most important understand?” Trevor nodded. “When you wake you’ll feel like shit, but you’ll be so hungry. You have to eat something healthy and good bro...Seriously, the most important thing. ‘’ Alan finished, and stuck the needle straight into Trevor’s vien. He injected the blue liquid into him. 

Trevor doubled over in pain as the serum flowed into his veins.Alan walked him out to the Lyft waiting for him outside, he couldn’t hear exactly what Alan said to the man his ears were ringing. He looked down at his arm his veins were bulging out of his arm.

Trevor woke up he didn’t remember how he got into his apartment, but somehow he did, and it seems he had passed out on his couch. He felt so hungry almost as he had not eaten in days. He got up from the couch and started walking towards the kitchen, his body felt on fire, his muscles were sore, and he could barely move. 

“It would be so much easier to just order delivery…” He thought to himself. “No no , I've got to remember what Alan said.” 

He made his way into the kitchen and despite the pain managed to cook a healthy meal of chicken and rice. He ate it up quickly, anything to make the feeling of hunger go away.

He ran to the mirror as he felt a surge of energy rush through his body.He watched as his slim framed changed before his eyes.It started with his thighs thickening becoming muscular and large, they pressed tight against his shorts which no longer fit. He legs grew as well strong and muscular. He felt his ass grow bigger and rounder too, which he didn’t expect but felt great about all the same.He watched as his skinny arms transformed gaining muscles he didn’t even know he had. He moaned a bit as his pecs grew in, and moaned even louder as he felt his cock grow larger as well. He stripped out of his clothes and flexed in the mirror. The drug had worked perfectly, he couldn’t wait to show off to Alan. 


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