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Written in 2015, have been premium content on the sell.fy store, but making them available to all patrons!

The Machine: Part 1 Discovery

You wake up looking over at your clock, it's already 8:30! You’re late for work! You spring out of bed getting ready to work. You run down the hallway to your bathroom trying to take a quick shower, and then quickly putting on your clothes. You open the door ready to sprint out to out of the door towards your work when you pause. Sitting at your door is package, you pick up the package looking at it.Your name, and address is printed professionally on it, but you don’t remember ordering anything. You look at your clock it is already 9:02 by the time you got to work you would be over two hours late.You sigh picking up your phone, and calling your boss. 

“Hey, its me. Yea I’m not feeling good today I am going to have to take a sick day boss.” You say hoping he isn’t too mad.

“Thats fine. We are light on work today anyway. Get better soon.” He says in a rushed tone of voice, and hangs up on you. You sigh you could tell he was disappointed, but for some unknown reason the contents of that package seemed more important to you than any job. You walk to your kitchen grabbing your knife to cut open the box. You cut the box, and opened it up, inside was small metal box with a single button on the top. 

You pull the box out looking it over. You definitely didn’t order this you think to yourself as you continue to look it over. You shrug deciding to press the button, and a one appears on the button at the top. At first you notice nothing, but you begin to notice how warm the room is getting. Its unbearable as the heat rises. You are sweating in your own house. You realize you need to strip down to cool off. You pull off your shirt as quick as you can automatically feeling cooler. 

“Come on now take off your pants. It will feel so much better!” You hear a voice in your head say. You realize it's right. Your pants are so sweaty, and hot. You unbutton your pants slipping them off, the room instantly feels even cooler. “Now just your underwear. You are home alone it won’t matter. It will feel so good!” The voice in your head eggs you on again. This time you begin to strip out of your underwear without even thinking. Your cock flops out hard as you feel the air around you cool. its feels so good to be naked. You can’t explain it you just love the feeling.

You hear the humming noise of a machine as you turn excitedly to the machine. A two has replaced the one on the top of the machine, and you feel the air around you change. You look down at your cock standing erect, it looks so pleasing you just need to touch it. Before you even processed what you were doing, your cock was lubed up and you were stroking yourself. It feels so good as you continue to stroke. The humming of the machine is music to your ears as you continue to stroke. your mind is filled with lust. As you continue to stroke, and the pleasure builds you realize you have never gone so long with having cum.

You hear the machine starting to slow down as you continue to stroke harder. After several more minutes od of mindlessly stroking yourself the machine shuts off, and you cum everywhere. You lie on the couch panting, everything around you splattered with cum. You don’t know what this machine is, but you know you love it. You look at the clock somehow it is already late at night, You decide to check the rest of the box to see if it has anymore exciting contents. Underneath where you found the machine is a charger no doubt to allow repower the device, and two anal plugs. 

You smile mischievously at the contents. Suddenly you think you are going to be sick again tomorrow. You take one off the buttplugs shoving it into you. You have never used a buttplug before, and inserting this one is difficult. After many minutes, and a lot of pain it is firmly inside of you. You plug in the machine, and sit back down on the couch. You look over at the machine already wishing it was tomorrow.

Part 2 Day Off

You wake up feeling refreshed. Yesterday was one of the best days of your life, and you were ready to do it again. You call off of work again the boss sounded angry this time shouting as you hung up on him, but you couldn’t care less. You make your way to the couch turning on the machine, as the machine kicks on you feel its effects slowly take a hold of you. Your mind slowly starts to go blank, and your cock becomes hard. You are about to remove your underwear, and begin to stroke your hard cock when a knock at the door interrupts you.  

You open the door to reveal the young office intern, Hunter, he is standing at the doorway in a suit looking a bit shocked, and nervous. 

“Um sir….Mr. Caldwell sent me to make sure you are alright.” He managed to gulp out, he looks you up, and down no doubt noticing your erection through your underwear. You look over the uncomfortable intern in your doorway, he can’t be older than twenty with a nice body, but it is hard to tell how nice through his clothing. His hair is a reddish brown color that reminds of you the fall leaves, and he has a very handsome face. The humming of the machine in the background fills your ears, and you smile. You invite Hunter inside for a quick cup of coffee.

“I really shouldn’t sir.” He says tugging uncomfortably at his collar. You remind him that you are on the review board that decides if he gets a job at the end of his internship “But if you insist sir I will make an exception.” He walks into the room, and you shut the door behind him locking it. The machine makes a sound, and the humming intensifies. Hunter quickly sits down on your couch loosening his tie. You notice sweat appearing on his skin as he throws off his tie.

“Its getting hot in here sir.” He says fumbling with his suit. “I hope you….” He never finishes as the machine kicks in louder, and he removes his shirt. For the first time you see his toned body, large solid pecs with abs that seemed painted on. His upper left pectoral has tribal tattoos on it, and to the right of his V line is an infinity symbol with an arrow through it.

Seeing his body you realize you can no longer stand resisting the machine, and pull off your underwear, stroking your cock in front of Hunter. You watch as his mind slowly goes blank, and his cock becomes hard, wanting to break free of his restricting pants. The machine lets out a noise, and begins to hum louder. You feel the buttplug you put in yesterday begin to vibrate inside of you, causing you to moan in pleasure. Hunter stands up removing his pants, and joins you in stroking. His cock has impressive size, and girth making you cum as you see it.Your cum lands on Hunter splattering on his impressive body. You take hunter’s hand off his cock shoving into your mouth. You suck his cock as the machine hums in the distance, you have never tasted anything as good as his cock tastes to you right now. Your mouth waters as you continue to suck his hard young cock. He moans, cumming into your mouth.You swallow it grabbing his ass and squeezing it. You suggest putting the other buttplug into him pointing to it on the couch.

“Yes sir…” He says without a thought grabbing it, and shoving it into him. You smile seeing his ass from the mirror on the wall. It is large, and firm with the base of the buttplug sticking out. You hear a beeping as the machine slowly shuts down, it has ran out of battery. You plug it in checking your watch it is already three in the morning. You hear a grunting as Hunter comes to regaining control over his mind. You stand worried for a second that with the efffects of the machine wearing off that he would flee and tell others.

“What was that?” He asks walking over to the machine. “It was….” He pauses feeling the base of the buttplug in his ass. After several moments of playing with the base, pulling out a bit and then slamming it back into him, he spoke again. “It was great.” You smile at Hunter as one hand is feeling the buttplug he just shoved into himself the, and other hand is subconsciously stroking his cock without his knowledge. Hunter picks up the machine looking it over, he opens a slot you hadn’t seen before revealing the guts of the machine.

“I don’t know a lot about electronics.” He says noticing for the first time his other hand stroking his cock. “But I think I can make it better with some modifications, if you’ll let me?.”  You agree to let Hunter tinker with the machine to increase its effects, and invite him to stay for the night.

“Sure, I’ll stay.” He says. “Plus I think I’m coming down with that sickness of yours.” He says smilingly slyly and fake coughing. “Now I do think we owe the boss a report.” He says picking up the phone, and dialing your work.

“Hello this is hun” he faked coughed quite convincingly much to your surprise. “This is Hunter….I went by his house earlier today, and he is very sick. I meant to come into the office, but I started to puke on my way back. I think I need tomorrow off, and I don’t think he will be coming in tomorrow sir.” You smile as you watch Hunter stroke himself while covering for you both. This young intern will come in handy with your new machine, you can just feel it.

You invite Hunter into your room he comes happily getting into your bed with you. You smile as you begin to drift to sleep, both you and Hunter in the same bed. Both of your naked bodies still leaking cum from your time with the machine.


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