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Five years ago today I made my first digital art and when I started studying it.

At the time I couldn't ever imagine being where I am now and for that I must say thank you so, so much for any and all kinds of support you've ever given me!!! Is thanks to you all that I am here, doing art as much as I can. You helped to make me the happiest I've ever been!! This is really a dream come true to me.

You all have given me so much and for that I can only hope to brighten your days with my art, even if just a little. I'll keep improving to be worthy of all of you and bring you even better art, definitely won't let you down!

Once again, thank you very very very much and I love you all!



It's amazing to think that I've been following you for so long and seeing how much your art has improved!😊 excited to see even more from you.


Congrats Kenta