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Hey everyone,

as you all might know, up until know I always had two big projects I was working on at the same time. The reason for that was to keep my motivations up and to prevent me from getting burned out on one project. Switching between projects always kept things fresh and new for me.

I would say it worked pretty well until now but it of course also has one big disadvantage;
It takes me twice as much time to finish a project. Suddenly a Girl could have been finished 1.5 years ago if I would have focused all of my attention on it. (Just speculation of course because I could have gotten burned out and not finished it at all, lol)

I still want to have two projects to work on at the same time for the above mentioned reasons. But instead of splitting my time 50% between them I will now have one "Main project" and one "Side project". Being a side project doesn't mean that the game necessary has to be smaller, it  just means that my priority is different. The plan is to give my main project 70%-80% of my attention and the rest goes to my side project.

So what does that mean exactly? It means that I will most likely work on my main project 3-4 months at a time and then one month on my side project. Or that I will just work on my side project everytime I feel like I need a change. I still haven't figured out what I will do exactly since I will have to see how it works for me first. If for some reason it doesn't work out at all for me, I will go back to the 50% split like it used to be. But for now I want to try this out and see how it goes.

So obviously, Sheroni Girls is now my main project and you are probably wondering what my next side project is going to be. I do have a lot of ideas for bigger games I want to work on but before that I will work on a smaller game first.
It's supposed to be another game made in twine with a voluntary M2F transformation setting. It will play in the x-change universe (some of you probably know what I'm talking about) and it will be quite short and linear but will have a lot of choices. That's all I can say for now. I will share some more information about it and try to get the first version out sometime next month.

Oh, and just a heads up that this month my time will be really sparse. So I won't be able to put out much updates on Sheroni Girls, I will try my best to get at least one update out but I'm barely at home this month so I don't know if I can.

That's all, sorry for that huge wall of text. I hope you all have a wonderful day~



Don worry, real life is important too and if the update next month it is not a real probelm for me, i can patiently wait, have a nice day and a wunderful summer for relaxing too 😄✌️


Check out the works of Akane Ogura. It's another universe with spontaneous sex change but it's often involuntary.