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Hey everyone,

I just wanted to inform you all that I'm going to take a short break from working on my games. It will only last for the rest of this month so I will come back on the first July. (I will of course still release the Sheroni Girls public release inbetween).

The reason for that is that I really just need a break, I feel a bit overworked right now and have too much other stuff occupying my mind. On top of that some other reallife stuff came up I will have to deal with.

But once I come back in July I promise that I will get Suddenly a Girl finished as fast as possible and get all the main story and endings done. I also have a lot of ideas for future game projects that I'm excited to share with you all as well once Suddenly a Girl gets finished.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy the nice summer weather~



Have a nice time and enjoy your work break,too much working is not good i can wait for the next update, enjoy your time✌️