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Hi everyone,

as you probably know I want to add two different corruption paths for each character but before I go into more details, I might have to explain how some of the basic functions in the game will work in the future. (Might contain some slight gameplay spoilers)

Talking: In the current version everyone just says the same stuff over and over. I will add some more random dialogues as well as different dialogues depending on the corruption level of the character.  Some will even unlock new events.

Using your powers: You  will unlock new powers by studying/practing your powers at home. Every power uses a different amount of energy. You have 5 energy by default, which can also get increased at home.

Reading minds: Pretty much only to get informations you wouldn't have gotten if you would have talked with the person instead.  Some information might be useless and some will unlock new events.

Corrupting minds: You can corrupt minds by slowly rewriting stuff inside their mind. It's mainly used to get them to trust you and to help you with getting your sales rate up. But also to change their personality to your advantages (Two different personalities for each person). You can't corrupt them too much at once or you might fry their brain, so you will have to repeat it several times to see a change in their behavior.

Controlling minds: Once their corruption level is high enough they are putty in your hands and you can control them to do kinda anything.

Shaping bodies: You might be able to directly reshape and change their body with this power. What you can do highly depends on what corruption path you chose.

So what are the two corruption paths for each character? The main point why I started this post was to ask for your ideas! That's what I have currently planned:

Jane, the secretary: Bimbo and Domina

Lilly, the prude: Slut/Exhibitionist? or Submissive/Slave?

Tanisha, the cheerful: ??? I seriously have no damn clue.

Frank, your best friend: Now, this is different. Since he's your best friend you won't corrupt him involuntary but you might get a chance to tell him about your powers and he might ask you for something. I'm open for ideas!

Maria Daniels, your boss: ??? Again, I have no idea. I'm open for any suggestions you guys might have!

Lea, your neighbour: This might be going a bit different since you can only visit her after work. However, I'm also open for ideas here too.

Ivan, the Jerk:  I don't need ideas for him. He will be completely different compared to everyone else. But I won't spoil anything.

Don't hesitate to post your ideas and suggestion, I'm open for anything!



One route per character might be less taxing but I would really like to add some replayability to the game. I think it would also be more fun like this. I don't plan to make this game overly complicated or too long. I will also try to complete one route per character first before I start working on the second route.


How about Lilly: Slut or Slave, Tanisha: exhibitionist or submissive, Maria: likes/love you or is addicted to you, Lea afraid of or adores you