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Hey everyone,

I'm glad to announce that I'm finally feeling better and that I'm back to work on my games now! I resumed working on my games since Monday this week and it feels really good to finally get something done again.

This week I was focusing on adding new random events at the office job, adding a new meetable NPC, as well as adding some social events with the new NPC.

The random events will be done a bit different compared to how I have done them at the diner job for example. I want them to be a bit more unique, so here is how I'm going to do that:

-Some random events will change if you trigger them more than once
-Some random events will only trigger one single time and have choices that will unlock new events
-Some random events will have little sidestories that you can finish to unlock new stuff/events

By doing that the random events will hopefully feel a little bit less generic and boring.

Now that I'm back in action you can expect a new alpha update every 1-2 weeks like usual.

See you all next time~



Out of curiosity will you be starting your two month work rotation fresh now that you are back, or will you just remove the time you were off from the current two month development period?


The two month rotation should have already changed at the start of this month, if I wouldn't have gotten sick at least. I will still work this entire month on Suddenly a Girl and then decide if I'm going to switch or add another month.


Sometime when going take a bath an 1/8 page of darkness is displayed. I have to go back and hit it again then a picture and a tab to continue appears. Probably a missing picture.


keep up the good work.


Mmh, is that when you are living with your parents? Might need more details than that because I have never heard of that before.