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V0.7 is now available for all my 5$+ patrons and I just sent it out.

There's not much content added for Chapter 4 (except for some H-scenes) but it adds a lot of new Bad ends, some new H-scenes, some polishing here and there and some expansions. I wish I could have added more but this month was really stressful for me.  

It contains:  

-4 new Bad ends (Three in Chapter 2 and one in Chapter 1)
-3 new H-scenes in Chapter 4
-Gallery mode added (It will be available once you finish the game, but it will ony work correctly if you start a new game)
-Preparations for Chapter 5
-Some bugfixes

Private club expansion:
-Some more interactions/build up for the Pole dancing
-You can now enter the Dark Room (3 random events and 1 new H-scene)

The next update after this one will probably be the v1.0 and it will finish chapter 5 and the story of Bandits Assault. So if you got any suggestions or other things you really want to see in Bandits Assault better tell me now because I won't add much more after 1.0 is finished!



Hello! First I must say that I look your game very interesting and well-made; mainly I like the history, the way it advances and the possibility to do it with some different ways (Slut, rude, pure...); that's the main reason behind I finally decided to make a pledge, I want to see the final chapter and how the history will end. But, related to 0.7, I don't see how to download it. I look around Patreon and your blog, but only found the 0.6. Same for the H-scenes guide (I pledge 10€)


Hi and thank you for your support! I have sent you a message.


She needs to have sex with the guy in wolf form! hehehe and afterwards she gets curious about trying out other animals and goes for the horse!