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Hey everyone,

it's time for another progress update!

This week I was working on adding some new events for Jack's slut path.
You will now be able to train your two other holes at the gym after Jack is satisfied with your oral training. Once you are skilled enough you will be rewarded with an exclusive tattoo that officially marks you as Jack's slut.

Once you officially become his slut, his training at the gym will be for free. Other than that I did some more small bugfixes and minor changes.

Last week I said that Jenny's romance path is complete but to resolve any misunderstandings; What I meant with that is that you can romance her and become her girlfriend. In the future I will of course also add stuff like; Moving in with her, random events at her place + eventually getting married (I do want to add that for most characters you can date).
But that would only make sense to add after the main story is done.

Besides that I'm currently also looking to add some more random travel events into the game. You know, the events that can happen while you go from one place to another. But I don't really have much ideas for that right now, so if someone does have any ideas, please let me know!

That's all for this week, see you next time~


Skippy Hugo

What would be the limitations of the random events? Like would it be exclusively explicit stuff, exclusively everyday things, or a mix of the two?


It honestly can be either. It doesn't need to have explicit content.

Skippy Hugo

So a mood booster like patting a dog, or arousal boost from seeing attractive people, would be good suggestions?


They are okay, I guess. I don't want to add tons of generic random events into the game, so something more unique or exciting would be preffered.


Innocuous encounters where passerbys react to or comment on the characters clothing choices and physical attributes. Choices are to respond or ignore. Being propositioned for a date at the bar later in the week (next visit really). Finding $5 Meeting a person who has a common friend with the main character. Can then be used as a prompt for a phone conversation. "I ran into so and so" to increase the repertoire with the friend.