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Happy new year everyone,

I hope you all had some nice and enjoyable holidays!

I have a lot of great things planned for this year, one of them is that I plan to finish at least one of my games this year. It's probably going to be Suddenly a Girl since it's a bit further along, main story-wise, but Sheroni Girls isn't really that far off either.

It has been a while since I started both of these projects and I learned a lot by working on them but I think it's time to finish them sooner than later. It's not like I don't enjoy working on them, I still do. I'm just excited to finally start some new projects, I already have a lot of nice ideas for them.

But it's still too early to talk about something like this, this year will be used to get both of my games ready for the finish line, at least that's the plan.

This month (and next month most likey too) I will be working on Suddenly a Girl before I go back to work on Sheroni Girls. I'm not sure if I will keep the 2 months timeframe to switch between  working on my games or go back to the 1 month one. I will probably just do what works best for me.

Thanks again to all of my supporters and everyone else who was following my games. This wouldn't have been possible without you!

To a great new year!



Looking forward to more Suddenly a Girl 😁 will your next game be M2F too?


I do have several ideas for games. But yes, one of them is a short, voluntary M2F game that I want to do. It will be a bit more story driven and linear but still have a lot of choices and consequences.