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Hey everyone,

a new major release was supposed to come out today but I have been really busy the last week with rl stuff so I didn't get as much done as I wanted to do, that's also why I didn't post a progress update last week. It's unfortunate but I will have to postpone the update to next week so I can get the Janitor content done and finish up the few remaining stuff I have planned for the first town.

I will only be needing one more week to get it all done and considering that's it's probably going to be one of the biggest update yet, I think waiting one more week shouldn't be too hard.

Anyway, let's get to the things I managed to do this week. This week I was working on adding content for April's pet path. You will now be able to attain some "training lessons" on wednesday and friday where she will teach you what she expects of an obedient pet.
It contains 2 events with some choices and different variants as well as 3 new H-scenes.
Other than that I got  the usual round of bugfixes done and a lot of old text and scenes have been revised and improved by someone who is helping me.

That's all for this week, I will be seeing you next week for the next major release. Have a nice day~



Man, I really hope that the Janitor content also includes the opportunity to help him get April. If for no other reason than she winds up getting trained for once. Also, the main characters mother, that would be cool too.


The Janitor is more into younger women, so we will have to see about the mother. I want the Janitor content to last through the whole game, so as you continue the main story you will also be able to recruit new girls for the Janitor. The first town is supposed to be a set up for all of that.