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Hey everyone,

this progress update came a bit later than usual because I was on a vacation but also because I had to convert all of the old clothes to fit the two new body types which was kind of a chore, but the good thing is that now that it's done, adding new clothes won't take as long in the future. I also added some new one's but I'm sure there will be even more soon.

And speaking of clothes, I completely overhauled the functionality of clothes:
-Clothing is now separated in the following types: Casual, Sexy, Slutty and Sport
-Depending on what kind of clothing you wear you will now receive an attractiveness bonus
-You won't be able to buy sexy or slutty clothing if your perversion isn't high enough
-Different clothing types will now influence some events

I also changed the shop UI to reflect some of the changes, here is a little preview of what it will look like:

What else did I do? I expanded the intro with new content and some choices that will define the background and some starting stats of your character a bit more.

You can now also gain experience from using your hands, breasts, vagina, anal and penis (if you have one) in sex acts. Once you collect enough experience you will be able to earn new traits. Right now every body part has one new trait you can learn but in the future there will be even more and different ways of earning new traits.

That's all for today's progress update. Now that most of the technical stuff is done, I will try to add new story content for you to enjoy!

Until next time~


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