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Hey everyone,

I'm back on working on Suddenly a Girl for a bit over a week now and it's time for another Progress update. But first I want to say thank you for all the feedback and suggestions I received in the last few weeks. It's really helping me a lot and gives me a lot of motivation to keep working and improving!

The next few minor updates will focus on new and more customization for your character as well as expanding a lot of technical stuff.

But first let me tell you what I got already done this last week.
The biggest change is probably that I decided to add body types. I initially didn't want to because it might have been too much work but what can I say, everyone likes more customisation right? There will be 3 different body types that you can choose from and start with; hourglass (the one we currently have), pear and petite.

I also finally added new hair styles and a way to dye your hair which can all be changed at the hairstylist at the mall. We now have 6 different hair styles and every hair has 4 different dye options (black, brunette, blonde and red).

You can also create and save clothing styles now, to quickly change your style.

On top of that I also changed a lot of technical stuff, optimized a lot of code, fixed a lot of bugs and reworked some parts of the intro and character creation. It would be too much to list every little change now. And I'm also still in the middle of working on all of it, so nothing is finalized so far.

I still have tons of other new stuff planned, one of the biggest changes will include an overhaul to the clothing system. Clothing will influence the gameplay a bit more, increase some of your stats and change some event. But more about that in the next progress update!

I'm also on a one week vacation starting at the 28th and ending at the 5th of July, so don't expect any updates in that time.

Until next time~


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