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Hey everyone,

the last two weeks I have been very busy with my reallife job but I still somehow managed to squeeze out some time to work on my games.

First thanks to everyone who left me some feedback and reported some bugs. Due to this I fixed around 6 bugs and changed some older content that tells you some of the default keys and how to change them, which can also be accessed through your computer at your room.

Aside from bugfixes and some convenience changes, I also added the first token task at the dojo. The first one is a repeatable arena fight, you will fight a bunch of training drones and the more you beat the more tokens you get. It's the first of 3 planned token task which you can do to spend them at the special dojo shop and buy some nice rewards. The other two token tasks will be unique though and only be doable once.

I also added a new sidequest at the notice board which will unlock a new little job you can do at the evening to earn some money. It will have a lot of new H-scenes, the first scene is already done and the others will be added later on.

Other than that I got a lot of new renders done, they aren't in the game yet. But will also be added in the next few days.

The next few weeks I will probably focus on adding new side activities and side quests that aren't related to the main quest or school. I will also have to think about new stuff you can do at the weekend since there isn't much happening right now.

After that's done, I will start to work on new content for the school, relationships or new main quests. What I work on first will be up to you, I will probably create a poll in a few weeks where you can vote what I should start working on first!

That's all for today's progress update, see you next time!


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