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Hey everyone,

I will try to post regularly progress updates for all of my games from now on. Which means they will come every 1-2 weeks, the same day I also release a new version for my Alpha Testers. 

I will try to give a quick summary of all the stuff I got done since the last time and maybe also add some teasers or what I'm going to work on next. If you want to see the complete changelog and already want to play what's done you have to become an Alpha Tester though.

Since this is the first progress update I want to get some basic stuff out of the way and explain how I will release new stuff from now on, I made a little chart just for that.

It's pretty easy to figure out honestly. I will release minor updates every 1-2 weeks for my Alpha testers and once I think I got enough stuff done I will put it all together to a major update and release it to my Beta testers. And 1 month later it will get released to the public. And that's also the time where I switch and work on my other game again.

Now that all that is said let's get to the actual progress update. The last week I worked on adding more social interactions with Jeff and your Mom, completely overhauled the club with new events and stuff to do. And added a lot of events for Hiro (your best friend) and Jenny (the waitress). I also added a better looking visual for the map, aswell as adding and fixing other stuff here and there. 

As you can see this week I mainly focused on adding more social stuff and things to do with some of the character that are already there. That's what I will also focus on for the next few weeks. Each character will have a few different paths and choices on how you want the relationship to go on. You can either just become friends, date them or even start to corrupt them (and maybe even transfrom them in the future).

That's all for today, see you next time~


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