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1. You will meet Selena.

2. Continue of last Klio stealth quest, a new sex scene with her (h.j.) and new night features 

3. Better interface with girls' daily routine list and minimap for the factory  

4. New Fiona everyday event 

5. New Lina everyday event

6. New Aeria everyday event

7. Continue of Alice story

8.  Change/add/delete some music 

9-10. Still thinking.

                                                                             Future plans:

  • More sex scenes ofc. It is an adult game after all :), threesome scenes. 
  • More every day and hidden events. 
  • Make the girls' daily routine more diverse. 
  • Imira and Aqua story. 
  • Events in almost all locations. (Now most of them are empty.)
  • New locations, new big map(forest).
  • More night events
  • Dream events 
  • Shower scenes
  • Side girls. 
  • Maybe new mini-games with the award.
  • Plans for very distant future - battles for territory with erasers (turn-based), island conquest :). 


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