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Well thinking on make a Neira picture for the end of the year or xmas.

There are any idea you would like to see? Maybe Neira boobs resting on a huge present and only some ribon as costume? Or do you have any other ideas?

Tell me here and I will see what to do ;)



Wearing nothing but a long, red ribbon is always a classic~ More ideas: Neira inside a big present box, Neira making snow angels while naked


the ribbon idea is nice, it would be funny to see her boobs on a plate next to some cookies with a little note that says "milk and cookies"


Agree with the others, her being wrapped by red ribbons, as a Christmas present herself. Sample 1: https://twitter.com/Bebatch/status/1468598573038067715 Sample 2: https://i.imgur.com/aGA6Sjt.png


Well, looks like you like the boobs with ribbon XD. I could try a new pose or maybe adapt the sketch of Neira boobs on a plate and color it!