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Commission for Obsidium.

Here the Scarlet sisters, Koishi and Neira (because magic exist as well portal to other dimensions so they know each otherxD) are having some healthy fun activity.

First time making the milk, pussy fluids and saliva with the ClipStudio so not sure,,, do them looks fine? Any tips?

Also well, as you can see I keep the more curly hair version for Neira that I was drawing lately. Do you like it more of the old straight hair looks better?
And the eyes are a bit less shinny too so we can see more details from the eye...Or do you like the more intense shinning eyes?




I think that curly hair is really cute!


I personally prefer less shiny eyes :)


Good, then I will keep the eyes as i am doing now ;) thanks for share your mind


Thanks! I was thinking that too, but I pledge to my patreons so wanted to hear your opinion xD Even if is a pain in the ass to color, indeed looks cute xD

Anios Selindar

Curly hair is really cute...and give you more work on hair (wich is already a bunch of work for you ahah xD). As long as you like, keep it then :)