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A friend artist asked me long ago to draw this one. And this weekedn he asked me to color iths one haha

I did this one to make him happy. as you can see I am not very good making this kind of stuff (I should practice more I guess?) as well not the best making snake skin hahaha, but I hope you like it :)

Also of course Neira will be perfectly fine, since the snake will blow up in a holy nova spam in a few moments haha




I wasn't expecting something like this, but I love it ! Great work !


I was the frist I didnt expect when I was asked to make it long ago haha (the lines are quite old actually)


I'm curious how he managed to fit all of that in there. XD


Hahaha, that is a very good question!. Well, even if them are soft...indeed has a lot of delicious meat there xD