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Hope everyone is fine and that all of you and close people are safe from the virus.
On my case I have some breath problems since young and I am living with some old people.... So I will keep inside home until everything is solved haha

Also I want say that I am going to continue drawing and updating the patreon. Actually since now I have my mornings free I hope draw more.

But again the most important is that everyone keeps fine and healthy.


Anios Selindar (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-04 05:59:39 Yeah, it's crazy now....take care of you more over my friend ! Stay safe buddy <3
2020-03-20 14:50:43 Yeah, it's crazy now....take care of you more over my friend ! Stay safe buddy <3

Yeah, it's crazy now....take care of you more over my friend ! Stay safe buddy <3