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Saw my old lines on paper and decided re-draw them again, using the tablet now haha.

Those are some babes from a pic that place the girls in order related to their size. I even were asking users to vote the babes (there was perfectly about 30-40 babes, so people decided the order haha. 

But was abandoned sadly U_U (color all those babes will took a lot of free time I dont have for a free draw haha. Is not like a couple of characters ahahahaha

But line them is different, takes not so much time as color xDD.

Also if any of you have some OC you will like to see, mention me and I wil lsee what can I do xD

In any case ss a nice way to enjoy summer xDD




Oh my goddddd 😍😍😍 I love all of them !!!!! A lot of gorgeous breasts 😍❤️ You are so good man ❤️


So many cuties... with nice boobs *3* Nice work! :D

Anios Selindar

I'm sooooo happy to see the boobs walls ladies again ahah ! :D Especially to see you draw my Anios again (and update with glasses yay ;P ) Awesome work my friend thank you so much <3