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This is a notice about the revision of the sponsorship level. The revised content is as follows:


  • VIPⅠ will be renamed as Supporter, and the icon will be changed to
  • VIPⅠ改名为Supporter,图标会修改为
  • VIP Ⅱ will be renamed as Early experiencer, and the icon will be changed to
  • VIPⅡ改名为Early experiencer,图标会修改为

The number of updates is adjusted to two to three per month.


Price unchanged(价格不变)

  • VIP Ⅲ will be renamed as Distinguished guest, and the icon will be changed to
  • VIPⅢ改名为Distinguished guest,图标修改为

The number of updates is adjusted to at least five times a month.


The price will be adjusted from $5 to $10.(价格从5美元修改为10美元)

  • Because of the sudden addition of new plans in my real life, I no longer update them on a fixed date.
  • 因为我的现实生活里突然增加了新的计划,所以不再固定日期更新。
  • This modification will be implemented on December 1st, Beijing time, and the $5 level will be deleted. Because I don't have the right to help customers change the level, I need to trouble you to change the level yourself.(No need to delete the sponsorship, just make up the difference.)


Thank you all for your support and understanding. <3



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