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Hello Adventurers!

The Poll results are in. The results are overwhelming! Over a 1000 of you voted in the end!

49% Effects: continue expanding automation for more spells and class features

14% Tokenizer: auto token ring - i.e. apply a token ring automatically during import.

9% Support for Containers with the Item Containers/Item Collection module

9% A tool to build homebrew monster formatted action blocks for D&D Beyond that import right

8% Adventure Muncher: Generate cut down compendiums for adventures

4% A focus on smaller QOL improvements

3% Work on version 2 of enhanced character and character features import - huge feature, no guarantee, long ETA, reduced effort elsewhere

2% A new module idea that I have...

1% Monsters: More monster filtering options during import e.g. monster type and CR

1% Vehicle imports

0% Compendium Folders: more sorting options (suggest below)

0% Monsters: Ability to exclude spells, items or monster from update during a munch, and addition of override compendium support

0% Something else... (Add to comments below)

I shall continue to add more support for these in the coming months. Don't worry if you voted for other things! Effects is a vast topic, and I need to take breaks between now and again and tackle other items on this list and also REDACTED projects.

Finally - I gave a list of everyone who voted to the Kobold interns, and they decided the winner of the DDB book is... Sharon Metcalf! Congratulations Sharon! Sharon chose Candlekeep Mysteries - an excellent choice.

Many thanks




Is it possible to add SI units? I my simple mind this should not be a lot of work to add.


Acolyte background is the only one with a different icon used (a leaf instead of a book).


"4% A focus on smaller QOL improvements" Can you give an example of what they QoL improvements would be?