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Greetings Adventurers!

This is my monthly update to let you know what I've been up to.

DDB Importer

  • WebP mode. This will convert all images when loaded through muncher or characters into webp files. What is webp? It's an image storage format that makes them very small. (If you turn this on and update monsters/spells/items it won't remove the old images - you'll have to do that manually. Consider changing the upload directories for images (characters and adventures) if you wish to migrate stuff to save space.)
  • Resource Linking improvements: Channel Divinity, Superiority Dice, Sorcery Points, Bardic Inspiration, Wild Shape, Grit Points, Psionic Power (Fighter and Rogue), and Ki Points. Please let me know if any features are not linking, have incorrect values, or missed a feature that could use this.
  • Effects: First pass at Battle Master maneuvers. Please note that some of the effects have saves that apply a status, but currently, if the check is passed, the damage is not applied (but should be).
  • Image upload will no longer spam you with messages in v9 (Thanks to KaKaRoTo for the hint).
  • A new tool on the tool tab allows world monsters to be updated with compendium entries.
  • Monster muncher will now use the default token settings as its base value for token settings.

Smaller changes and bug fixes

  • Expose the icon mapping API (see FAQ for more details).
  • Sometimes the class/class feature button would become greyed out when it shouldn't be.
  • Tools/Instruments will now import with the correct Base Item and Tool Type in the latest 5e system version ( I had somehow missed that this had changed)
  • Item Compendium folders: will now sort tools, music instruments etc. into separate folders
  • Spell Effect: Mage Armor AC fix
  • Effects: add the appropriate midi-qol flag to prevent duplicate CE applications.
  • Effects: some effects, e.g. Mage Armor did not have the correct duration.
  • Artificers sometimes have infusion data left around on DDB, confusing the importer and preventing import.
  • Some ranged actions could be parsed as melee attacks. e.g. the Monks Deflect missiles attack.
  • Resource linking did not copy across using Link Item and Resource DnD5e module and the "retain resource consumption linking" item option.
  • Some theoretical groundwork for Monsters of the Multiverse changes.
  • Increase Adventure Import Timeout - on some slower systems, the complete dialogue could pop up before it had finished (it would still run in the background).
  • Using DDB Data Grabber would not check cookie successfully.
  • Monsters with recharge abilities would not have the usage set properly since v9 updates.
  • Monsters: some rare monsters like Bone Naga, which had a spell applied twice, would not import.
  • Mundane non-magical items will no longer be marked as common rarity.
  • Rations are now parsed as a food consumable.
  • When choosing to hide the display dialogue setting for the character resource manager, it would not constantly update the resources
  • Support for midi-qol flag changes in 0.9.14.
  • Effects: Guidance and Resistance tweaks for midi changes.
  • Remove flags from compendium loaded options that retain resource consumption or ignore the item/icon. These would confuse the muncher if they were set on the feature before being added to the Override compendium.
  • A v8 import bug if DAE was not enabled
  • Using artificer extras without artificer levels could cause import of extras to fail.
  • Several icon additions to the icon sets.
  • Spells: Crown of Madness effect. Basic Witch Bolt macro.
  • Correct Hideous Laughter effect (ongoing saveDC not passing through correctly).
  • If an item was on the sheet not from D&D Beyond the resource linking could fail.
  • Extras import: conditional checked for Automated Evocations was missing resulting in harmless error if this module was not installed.
  • Make wording on art selection clearer.
  • Language filtering on characters is now available.

DDB Adventure Muncher

  • DDB pushed some new changes to the format of many adventures and a change as to how images/assets are downloaded.
  • Support for new DDB Download format (mandatory update).
  • Fixes for new parsing format, notably in LMoP and SKT.
  • Improvements to metadata download to try and reduce failures where walls, etc., would not be generated.

Adventure Changes

Pariah Zero Has been on _fire_ this month:

  • Fizbans complete!
  • Some Curse of Strahd scenes had missing pins
  • Clean up Tomb of Annihilation monsters and add some missing ones
  • Mythic Odysseys of Theros complete
  • Storm Lords Wrath complete
  • Sleeping Dragon's Wake complete
  • Divine Contention complete
  • Princes of the Apocalypse complete
  • Eberron complete
  • Many fixes for new formatting.


  • An option to not create a new avatar image/token only mode.

If you're still using v7 of Foundry then the proxy that is used by that backend will be going offline in April. Please look to upgrade to v8 or v9 of Foundry.

And finally, the key posts have now been updated with the new keys for March.





Hey there! First of all, Thank you for what you're doing here. You have made Foundry the place to be because of your add-on! Cheers! Second, what should my regular cadence be for re-munching everything due to your stellar updates? I want to be sure I am running everything as current as possible. Forgive me if I am not being clear. Let me know and I'l try to rephrase.

Colin Davis

Same sort of question: If I’ve already munched Strahd in 8 weeks ago, what’s the best way to update with changes?