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Greetings Adventurers!

Fun Statistics!

This month marked the 200th release of a DDB Importer module! Wowza! Thank you all for making this happen! So what is happening? Well, there are about 18000 character requests processed a week.

Now, I don't really check these statistics very much. In fact, almost never, but I thought I would take a look when I noticed it was 200 releases. It was a bit of a shock!

What have I been up to?

  • Encounter Muncher Beta released! This tool is currently available to Undying and God tier supporters. It allows you to import encounters that have been created on D&D Beyond quickly. It will import any missing monsters and characters, create a scene and fill the initiative tracker. This is born entirely out of my players kicking things off that I have not prepared well enough!
  • You can find a small animated example of Encounter Muncher here 
  • Characters, spells and items will now generate Foundry Roll Tables if it finds a table it can parse. There is a new compendium it will add these too. It will add a link under the table.
  • More cleaning up of AC and AC Effects for D&D 5e v 1.4.2 module.
  • D&D Beyond introduced a new API version and moved the proxy to use this.
  • I had to make some changes to adventure muncher to support different versions of the adventure books.
  • Support retaining "Argon - Combat HUD" settings (you should checkout the module - it's incredible work.
  • Monster, Item, and Spell munching now support the "Compendium Folders" module. You can create and sort spells on import (or even migrate existing compendiums) to use a selection of styles.

  • Several small bug fixes and parsing errors in DDB Importer.
  • Adventure Muncher no longer requires you to have imported all your spells, items, and monsters before generating a config file. It will download the missing ones when you import an adventure!
  • Improved linking to other adventures/books in Adventure Muncher.
  • "Automated Evocations - Companion Module". If you have this module installed to manage your character's companions (think wild shape, familiars, pets, summons etc.), you can use the "Import Extras" option in the character importer to import them. It will add your imported extras to the companion module.
  • I had a week on holiday!

What went wrong?

This month was pretty good. I've had a good chunk of time off and felt that I tackled a good deal of new features, although not as many adventure muncher improvements as I would have liked.

What's coming this month?

I'm started experimenting with artificer infusion support. It's early days, and I may not deliver it this month. It's a highly complex piece of work.

The key posts have been updated with the new keys for September. The 0.8.x version now supports linking your Patreon account to auto-generate a key that's valid for a month. I'll slowly be phasing out the keys posted to the key page, but they will remain as people transition to the 0.8.x version of the software.





This is amazing work! The speed at which you develop continues to amaze me. I would ask that you keep the old key system in place if possible, since I (and I am sure many others) prefer to avoid linking accounts where possible for privacy and security reasons.


Much appreciate your hard work. I don't know if this is the right place for the question, or IF it's a stupid question, that's for you to decide ;) When I get some new content to Munch (monsters), is there a way to keep images I've chosen? Some monsters I've found images I prefer over the Official images, but when I update it replaces them - if there IS an answer, imagine you're explaining it to a particularly stupid 5 year old ;) ...and thankyou again.


Hi Ben, on the monster munching screen you should be able to untick the "Update Monster images on existing items?" Option and this won't update any changed images