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I'm blown away by your support this month, my 2nd month with any real Patreon presence. I'm hoping to be able to adjust my "real" job schedule to be able to focus more time here, but this might take few months to come to fruition.

In January we have had a huge number of improvements...


  • Monster parsing and icon detection is a lot quicker.
  • We have a full suite of Foundry based icons for spells and equipment/items (thanks Zac!).
  • You can now sync key character changes back to D&D Beyond to keep your sheet up to date with what's happened at your virtual table.
  • Support for copying and adding Active Effects has improved dramatically.
  • You can now exclude items from being removed or changed by the character importer.
  • Several visual and UI improvements.
  • A multitude of bug fixes to monster and character parsing.
  • You can now choose to move the button to a link in the actors title bar.
  • Undying and God Mode tier supporters can filter by source and exact name match.

What went wrong?

  • Relaxing cache restrictions turned into a bigger job than I was able to complete this month.

What's coming this month?

  • I'll be putting out a poll to gauge interest in various development efforts I might attempt this month.
  • Undying tier will now be able to use the Class, Features, and Feat import with a new update in the next few days.
  • I'm working on importing Extras. What are extras? These are added to your DDB character via the Extras tab. These could be sidekicks, mounts, pets, companions etc. I hope to have a MVP version available soon. Here is a sneak preview...
  • I'll be updating the key posts with the new keys towards the end of this week, and the December keys will become inactive.

Many, many thanks




Thank you for helping DMs utilize foundryVTT even better with the tools you create


This software is amazing, I'm happy to see that lower tier subs get more features now. However, I have no idea how I'd actually utilize the race and class items.


I spent 2 hours manually importing individual monsters with VTTA before find your module. I cannot thank you enough for doing what you do.


Multi compendium support for monsters would be nice - importing all monsters into a single Compendium makes it quite large! I ended up importing the Core and Setting books into one Compendium, and all the other monsters into a second one. They both still take 5+ seconds to open... now, however, I'll have to be careful about what I important and where. If possible, allow the monster importer to be configured with additional compendiums (one to write to, and zero or more additional read-only), so it can skip importing things already known. Or, allow specifying override target compendiums for each source!