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Hello Adventurers!

This month was quite eventful for me - as previously mentioned, my wife gave birth early (both are doing well and are now back home); just as we were getting over that, my middle daughter spent some time in hospital with a chest infection and breathing difficulties. These, along with the summer holidays and various family commitments, my modules have had limited updates.

Quests from the Infinite Staircase is partially complete. Hopefully, the remaining parts will be available before the end of the weekend.

I have also started working on some changes that will be required for a big data change in the upcoming v3.4 D&D system.

Now, with the big 2024 rules update, from all the previews and spoilers now circulating, it's clear that a fair number of changes are coming down the pipeline to spells and features. Please bear with us during the release period. I suspect there will be a period of days where things don't quite parse right, and some spells and features may be broken. If you rely on automation, that's going to be sparse for a while. My priority will be getting the character importer up and working correctly.

Thank you for your support,


Note Licker

  • Correct use of requiresReload for setting changes.

DDB Importer

  • Dark Ones Own Luck Effect.

  • Character update to DDB would un-attune items in D&D 3.2.

  • Spell Effect Updates from Elwin: Hail of Thorns and Ensnaring Strike.

  • Darkness Spell: in v12 will now use a darkness light source. A Simple Macro will be added to the description to toggle placement/removal of the darkness light if not using midi-qol.

  • Speed up parsing summon spells/features.

  • Foe Slayer effect from @Moto Moto

  • Option to preserve XP on character import

  • Some tweaks for D&D system v3.3.0

  • A bunch of icon corrections for effects in v12.

  • Add character class to spells when importing from a character from DDB.

  • Conjure Spells will now use the CR summoning system.

  • Find Familiar uses summoning system.

  • Arcane Eye, Arcane Hand, Arcane Sword, and Mage Hand have summons and basic JB2A tokens. More summons options if using the JB2A module.

DDB Adventure Muncher

  • Fixes for a number of adventures in v12 setting light angle to zero.

  • Quests from the Infinite Staircase Chapters 1-4

Active Auras

  • Remove errant warning

  • Fix auras in v12 and D&D v3.3.1 (Thanks gambit !)

  • If using a Placeholder token in the combar tracker, AA could fail.



Congratulations, and I am glad both are home safe and sound! :D

Jonathan Rixen

1: Congrats!! 2: How do you plan to deal with DND beyond removing the old spells, weapons, and magic items when the new system comes out?


Right now, I'll adjust the importer to use the new spells for effects and parsing where needed. It uses the character builder to fetch the spells, so I don't see any other option.