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A little news for you. First of all, I wanted to tell you about the new naming of the game versions.

This is a small part of what will be in the new update. I will add new quests, animations and make some updates to the brothel.

  • New version naming

  • UI impprovements

  • Save error: TypeError: cannot pickle 'weakref' object

1) New version naming

The next version will be Lust Hunter 0.98.0.

You're gonna ask me What the fuck are you talking about? I'll explain.

After I released version 0.9.9, I had a question. What version number to choose next. Version 1.0.0 I could not release because the game is in active development and can not yet be released under the release version 1.0.0.

So I made a mistake and released version 0.9.10.

That was stupid, so I released version 0.10.0 and then 0.10.1.

That was even sillier and more confusing. So I released versions 0.11.0 and 0.12.0.

But when I look at version 0.12.0 it seems to me that there were only 12 updates to the game, not 97, as it is in reality.

So I decided that the next version will be Lust Hunter 0.98.0.

98 corresponds to the serial number of the update.

Then I will release 0.99.0, 0.100.0, 0.101.0 and so on.

That makes sense. It's elegant. Strange I didn't do it right away.

2) UI impprovements

A long time ago I wrote about wanting to improve the UI. But I didn't have time for that.

But now I've set aside a few days to do it.

What will change in the new update:

  • Improved quest description.

I read the chats and realized that many people do not understand what to do. I improved the description of quests as much as I could. If you have any suggestions for this, tell me about it.

  • More space in your private inventory

    You now have 20 more slots available to you. A total of 50 slots

  • Quest items in a separate inventory

An improvement that should have been made a long time ago. Now quest items will be in a separate inventory from which they can not be removed. This will solve the problem with missing items. You can switch inventory at any time.

You can't move quest items to your personal inventory or home chest.

  • Pin quest

    Now you can pin any quest you want. Just pull the hook. This quest will appear at the top of the quest list.

  • Change name is now available

Change your name in Patrons Church at any time

  • UI Urgent quests improve

    The urgent quest is always at the top.

  • Info about a locked quest

If a quest is unavailable, you can now click on it and find out what quests you need to complete to unlock it.

And now you can go straight to the quest you're interested in:

3) Save error: TypeError: cannot pickle 'weakref' object

I checked all my code and finally found the cause of that damn save error. The reason is in the inventory, specifically in the Drag and Drop function. I will fix it in version 0.98.0.

If you are now playing version 0.12.0, 0.11.0 or less istalkivayut with it, then return to the village and go back to the map. The save will work. And if possible, don't play with your personal inventory open on the map until you've updated to 0.98.0.

Sorry about that, but it's a development process. Due to the sheer amount of content, it's not always possible to avoid bugs


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