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Just wanted to share some information on my recent availability and my planned absences for the upcoming weeks with you all.

I've been sick with COVID for a few days and I'm just recovering now. It hit me quite hard, I gotta say, and it has prevented me from completing a few more TIs these past few days. I'll try to finish a few more before I go on vacation, in any case.

Said vacation will start on Thursday (May 16th) and will last for around 3 weeks. During that time, I'm not really sure if I'll be able to train any new embeddings. I'll do my best to find a way, and perhaps I'll even try to use a colab again if I don't see any other alternative, but expect the site to be updated less frequently during those days. I'll be back around the 10th of June or so (with renewed energy, for sure :) ).

After that I only plan to go on vacation for about 1 week around early/mid-August. That week I won't have access to any private PCs, so I won't be able to train embeddings for sure. But, apart from that, I should be available for most of what remains of 2024 until Christmas.


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