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Thanks everyone for participating, you may now vote! :)

Top 1 will be the winner for next month.

Winners for the poll will be announced on July 5, 2023

Poll ends on July 5 - 3 am (pacific Time)

Here are the TOP 15 Characters:

Big thanks to our Discord Sheriffs (BossJoe, Cadenhead, Freaktiful, sauranas and SuperTank || Vi enthusiast, IskoWillo) who help us moderate and watch over the Suggestion and Voting event!



I want all of them 😭😭😭


Red from transistor is such a cool character design. Makes me sad to see her get passed up every month.


Go Diablo, go Diablo! I've been nominating that one for so long!

ronny wisdom

Looks like I'm buying print from other artists again .


It's not letting me vote for more than one unlike previous polls?


that would be a patreon bug, I voted for multiple just fine. Try refreshing the page


All these were voted on in Discord. You aren't always going to get the figures you want. So many I want too but we must have patience.

ronny wisdom

I understand that I haven't printed any piece from this group in so long even if they look nice I only print from certain genre's and I do not print male figures or dragons or most animals.


oh god not another Ciri. rest of the choices are great though.


Reload the poll between votes to select multiple options. Works for me.


If Ciri does win the poll could we please get Klaus Wittmann's armoured variant?

Sean Bustard

morrigan for the win!! dragon age doesn't get enough love


C'mon Arthas get some more votes! We're DIS CLOSE to win!


Arthas would be so epic <3