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Hey there fellow D&D enthusiasts!

We are happy to present to you our take on Tiamat! We've printed this 242mm height, you can go ahead and print this as a display, or print the miniature version for your DnD campaign.

Also, be ready as we're about to release Derpy Tiamat next month! It's gonna be a hilarious twist you won't want to miss! :D

Be a part of our community and showcase your painted artworks by posting them here: https://discord.gg/57bvrnNk

More info and Render images here:


The download link is posted in your Welcome note and pinned post:




She is beautiful. I, personally, would prefer a base without the castle, so I can more easily use it in a D&D game, but the model is gorgeous none the less. It just means I will have to model something on the base :)

Jon Crocker

Stupid request but can we get a option to put googly eyes derpy tiamat? Would be hilarious


she do be pretty :O though some of those gaps seem a bitch to properly fill, unfortunately :/

ronny wisdom

I'm printing hollow and use it as a updraft Incense burner.