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Hi everyone thank you for participating in our monthly event! Here are the characters for July! :D

Full-Size Models

  • Tanjiro - Demon Slayer
  • Solid Snake - Metal Gear Solid
  • Purah - The Legend of Zelda

Chibi Models

  • Derpy Tiamat
  • Chocobo - Final Fantasy VII 

Come hang out with us in NomnomLand Discord to view the updates/work in progress images. Everyone's invited to join the fun <3

Discord Link:





Will the redundancy of franchises be kept at bay? It is pretty useless to se a franchise blocked from a category too see it appear in another. It feels like abusing the system :( It also gets boring to see every month Zelda, Avatar, Final Fantasy models appear in at least a category, without considering the overwhelming presence of suggestions from the same franchise in the winning pools :( Thank you for the hard work as always! Surely we appreciate your dedication to the patrons suggestions, but, imho this redundancy in the voting system feels like a great limit to the potential variety of models that could be available 😔


Like every once in awhile get a 'Runner Up' month. Where the the second place losing models get shot or something?


Should have been clear that Purrah wins with all those YouTubers making videos about her.


My boy Vinny V deserved better 😔

Allan Britton

I think NomNom should probably start putting their thumb in the scale a bit more. If you give the internet complete freedom to choose you end up with Boaty McBoatface.


Can Purah not be a horny model? I play Zelda with my 12yr old and have been printing and painting all the LoZ statues for her. Normally I'm not worried with Nomnom but Purah's popularity has been particularly horny.


They get blocked for every category the month after they won. Link won 2 months ago that's why LoZ was allowed again.


They've largely stayed away from horny waifu aspects of models for a while as they've grown their audience, I don't think you'll have a worry there :)


Hooray Snake is out of retirement for one last job. Age hasn't slowed him down one bit.


you do not understand my glee and excitement that both snake and chocobros won a spot


How is it a slap in the face when most people literally voted for it? It became a fan favourite after it was shared on the NomNom discord after all.


I'm a little disappointed that the fat dragon from DnD didn't win, but I missed the vote so I can't exactly complain.


The models I vote for usually never win, but not this time! I'm excited to see what Derpy Tiamat is!


Please attack pose!


The urge to run a dnd session with derpy tiamat lol