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Thanks everyone for participating, you may now vote! :)

Top 1 will be the winner for next month.

Winners for the poll will be announced on June 5, 2023

Poll ends on June 5 - 3 am (pacific Time)

Here are the TOP 15 Characters:

Big thanks to our Discord Sheriffs (BossJoe, Cadenhead, Freaktiful, sauranas and SuperTank || Vi enthusiast) who help us moderate and watch over the Suggestion and Voting event!

And thanks to IskoWillo for creating a recap of the character suggestions and votes:


luca minardi

Stop Zelda PLS 🥺


For all those upset over Zelda or Final Fantasy, get in the suggestion period on Discord (following the rules, of course) and get your suggestions in there, and yes, fight against the FotM suggestions


I was, none of my likes went to them. But the saturation of numerous characters from one franchise is the problem. It’s honestly just as easy for people to unsubscribe from the patreon. Don’t like seeing the tired shit win, just come back when you see something you like.


People like what they like. As someone who has to deal with the suggestions and wrangling of the vote count, the last thing we would like to deal with is people complaining that their suggestion lost to a suggestion with lower vote count because of some arbitrary decision to only allow the highest 1 from any franchise. That's not how votes work *shrug* none of mine made the top 15, only 1 made the top 20. Am I in the comments complaining about it? No. I'm voting for the ones I want to see and letting the democratic process work out the results.


Again a Zelda character 😪


Well as Cadenhead said “people like what they like” the rest of us just wasted our time for not liking the same thing as the mob. I’ll be gladly dropping this patreon as a permanent subscription.


Sadly another Zelda model


Suggestion franchises should be regulated. Too many characters from the same franchise every mont and even in multiple categories. Some of the suggestions are also model already made by a lot of creators... :(


I only tracked down this patreon because I saw a Stl on Etsy when I was searching google. I was like nah that can’t be the actual artist. But no matter my convictions, I can toss ten dollars at them for any month I like instead of stay all year. Go ahead, add up all the votes in one poll at the lowest subscription. When you’re bringing in that much a month you can at least act like you care.


They are regulated. When they win, they can't be suggested for the next month. Also the character that won cannot be made again in that size (recent rule, don't go back to the "but so and so won multiple times" because they were before the rule was instituted). So both Link and Zelda are off the table entirely, but other characters are still allowed as they haven't been done by the artists yet. We are discussing a 2 month moratorium on IPs instead of 1, but nothing is in stone yet.


At least you're finding out a month in advance and can plan ahead, Nightfall. /shrug


At least not a character that has hundreds of existing figures already.


I'm against that as well. But keep seeing the models from same franchise is also not pleasant either


Ciri or Maliketh but no more Zelda please !


People will always gravitate to the most popular options; I'm glad NomNom has been slowly implementing steps to diversify the prints we get each month, but I think we take for granted how much control the community has over the different models we receive every month, as well as the fact that we even get so many high quality models each month. I can't speak for everyone, but I know I am contributing to this Patreon to support the artists, not necessary the models they make


I dont get how people are mad at NomNom because people voted for another Zelda character. Zelda just had a big launch and yall don't expect a Zelda character to win? You know how many months they've had characters I didn't like? I just resub when there's stuff I like. Crazy..


zelda, more like smell-da! HAH!


Agreed, sure if you don't like Zelda at all you may not like it but just like with John Wick or Tiamat the franchises that just had a big release will have more people gravitating towards them.