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Thank you everyone for participating the poll and helping us out identify what pose to be created.

We will now proceed with the winner pose. (Option#1)


Hi everyone!

Soooo, we would like to ask your help to decide between this 2 pose.

1. Firekeeper holding the sword - ( Visually appealing but not accurate to game)
2. Firekeep resting hands on her lap - ( very similar to game )

Both are good but unfortunately, we can only do 1 version since there will be dependencies on each parts.

This will be a quick poll since we needed to move forward as time goes fast.

Whatever wins, we will do our best to make this piece wonderful <3

Thank you very much in advance!
Have a great day guys! 



Rule of cool


Hmmm. I’d gotta go with 2. She’s a gentle maiden 🙂


Tbh I'm a tad confused... this definitely appears to be the Firelink Greatsword wielded by the Soul of Cinder. In option 1 she is holding it by the hilt which infers she's 'taken up the sword' if you will, which goes against the very essence of a Firekeeper. Option 2 seems the logical choice; she is in her classic humble pose derived from the developers Japanese culture.


#1 is the more interesting / better pose. #2 feels too static


por qué no los dos (*cheers in Spanish)


I would put her hands in a prayer pose and get rid of the firelink sword, personally. Alternatively, you can get rid of the background all together and just have her kneeling in front of the firelink sword on the ground, similar to what the game does.


1 looks better, but 2 is definitely more accurate to the game, and I'm a big sucker for accuracy, personally. I was hoping for her kneeling over the bonfire while picking up the first flame. While I do like Option 1, Option 2 just feels more natural for the character.


I'm afraid #1 looks to me like a cosplayer posing for a photo.

Stuart Wells

Never played any of the Dark Souls games but rule of cool vs accurate, I have to side with it being accurate as unsure if she even uses the sword or just has it by her side.


More than just being accurate, but the whole point of needing a firekeeper is so that she should never touch the fire and need a Ashen One (player) to kindle it.


a huge dark souls fan and I say option 1