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"Lightning. It flashes bright, then fades away. It can't protect. It can only destroy."

Lightning (Claire Farron) comes along with Odin for this month of march. SFW version with the diorama is done

Super pumped for next week as it is going to be dedicated for elden ring updates and can't wait to get started. 

Hope y'all have a great weekend.




Great job!


It is awesome 👍👍👍. I love it already ❤️. As always..OXO team ready for surprise 👍👍❤️


Love the model! Got me to subscribe, but I must ask is there going to be some support for those legs? They look a bit thin for the weight above it

Roman Sill

That's gonna cost $10 to print, assuming there's no mistakes. Probably $20 of paint.


hi i just joined i was wondering if theres any way to get the other models created or if those are just by a month by month and then you cant get them no more


20 on paint?


what do you pant with?


Even if its true, and i doubt It, if you buy a model like this It will cost you 4 or 5 times that price at best. So i don't see the problem lol the model Is amazing and original


dude I have no idea what you're talking about.If you read my last email, that's why I got into 3D printing to begin with. I 100% agree with you ,if you want pictures of E2046 boxes Or you want to buy some I have a lot,so I don't come at me this way. I have no idea who the hell you're talking about to begin with, all I said was about that the guy said $20 for paint which is an over exaggeration DO NOT CALL ME A LIAR You know you do not know me so where do you get off calling me a liar I was very nice and polite to you If you want to be hostile take it somewhere else


first of all... are you kidding me? my answer was just to agree with your comment above... adding comments on how much an "original" resin sculpture on the market would cost. It was a general statement... "you" wasn't intended for you personally... I don't understand how you came to take this comment as a personal attack and call you a liar... I never said anything of the kind and I don't see how agreeing with you and reinforcing your opinion could be defined as hostile behavior... Anyway, regardless, I don't see how doubting anything is like insulting someone for being a liar... Like you said, I don't know you, like you don't know me, so I certainly wouldn't dare to make such random accusations. if you re-read our two messages the aggressive one is not me. I may have expressed myself badly as English is not my first language, and I may have even used words that could be misunderstood, but it was enough to calmly ask me for explanations. In any case I have no intention of arguing or attacking someone I don't know and in a place where we cultivate a common hobby. I really hope I explained any misunderstandings and I'm sorry you took it that way. I wish you a pleasant day!


I apologize, took your words the wrong way


Totally misunderstood your words I am really sorry in my last email when I was talking about all the E 2046 models that I have I took the first line out of context please forgive me the weird part after going over is that we were saying it was Ths same thing


Like I said we're here for a hobby, not to insult or pick fights, so let's just forget about that. However don't worry, it happens that we don't understand each other or misinterpret, the important thing is to resolve the misunderstanding and move forward. Have a nice day!

Domi Schell

Looking spectacular, but the horse's feet don't look like they could handle the weight. I guess they will snap very easily. Could you please make them a bit thicker? Or add a pole to be printed in clear resin that goes into the horse's belly to take the weight 🤔


We have already printed it. You could check it in our facebook page. We made a long pin for the shoe part to hold up the weight.