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"I only enjoy the company of cats. I hate humans. It’s not a matter of personal grievance. My hatred is almost like a demonic instinct." - Power

Power from chainsaw man with meow diorama NSFW version.




They’ve been doing a lot of underwear on the models lately


Sound like everyone needs power pu**y 🤣

Roman Sill

I'd rather paint underwear instead of having to deal with painting vaginas and guessing about pubic hair shapes/colors sometimes. Also, labia are often resin traps, the lines fill and it looks like a barbie.


It would be more like hentai if we remove her underwear and many websites would not allow those sort of content. Also, it is not possible to make all the characters completely naked as some members would want it with underwear and also completely naked doesn't work for all the characters. For the future models, we can consider most of your feedback and improve on it.


I, for one, am very pleased with the underwear on the NSFW models. I joined when there was full nude but when they made the switch it kept me as a subscriber long term!


I understand your point. We made Yae Miko naked. But, we cannot make all the characters naked as some members can't accept all the models to be naked. Also, some members suggested us that they don't want the figures to be hentai. So, we try our best to do justice as much as we could.


Honestly if you just added another tier to your sub list that provides more options like the underwear, different poses, hair, platforms etc... that way you give give everybody what they want while getting paid to do the extra work. Maybe 12 usd or 15 usd , depending on whats provided. Could put it to a vote for your subs. I personally have seen many models I love but sometimes not the pose, or platform for hair.. you get where I'm going with this. I hope this helps and your community supports you


Paint the underwear as see through lace... maybe a solution to those unhappy???

Jerimy Christensen

Quitting the sub because panties are on!? There is a huge difference between sexy and sleazy... If you are that hell bent on removing panties buy a prostitute!! ... Quitting the sub.. sheesh!! Panties on this particular model is much better for painting and displaying than two creepy, plastic lumps.. But what do I know, I don't actually have to look at these things to get my fix. I would just hate to see these art pieces heading in a direction of turning into straight up porn. The female body is stunning, classy, and beautiful. Porn, though we all love it and that's fine, isn't something many would want to put on display. We have to remember these are models.


i think Jerimy Christensen110% right on this. sexy is great!! but i do not print ones without any panties on in the nsfw


would a range of options work like a simple switch out of the area? I personally would like full nude too but I get where others are coming from so would both be hard to do?

Craig Robinson

Keep the panties on - imagination is part of the human experience


I think in most cases is enough to show beautiful bare boobs, that's just much more erotic than simply pulling the model bare, I prefer topless and down with ... and be honest what do you want to paint or see down there in the size? This is ridiculous


I prefer to indicate something erotic than just naked

Jerimy Christensen

I get some of the members can get away with doing things more "risque" than others and actually prefer that. I'm def OK with sacrificing a few the models for those members as well. (This honestly might have been a good one to do so). Don't get me wrong, I love porn too, and I get it but I personally just couldn't bring myself to print a "porn" piece to put on my wall where the rest my family will see it and being since ultimately that is what these models are for I feel perhaps the majority would agree.