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"Treachery is its own reward."

NSFW Update! she comes with both mask and mask-less option. Hope you guys had a great week!



Tyler Bledsoe

Any chance we could get some tears in other places (legs, back, butt, etc), just for consistency??

Brody Richardson

Love the model! If I could say one thing is it seems like most of if not all of the new and recent NSFW models pritty much default to just missing the top and showing tits. I'm missing some of the creativity in it and some differences would be nice some different skin and not just delete the bra or ripping a hole for a nipple to pop out. mabey I'm being subjective but it feels like it's really getting standardized now

Emma Meyer

No, I generally feel the same way. Most of the time I far prefer the SFW version, because it feels more consistent with the character as modeled. Like the latest Peach model for example. She just looks better with her top on, because it has all the cute little nods to Mario on it, and the model feels complete. I think the last time I really felt like printing a NSFW model was the Sister Repentia, but that is because it is consistent with the lore for the character, and the model felt sculpted for NSFW first. I think if we got some models done where is was sculpted to look really sexy and interesting as a NSFW version first and then, oh, by the way, here is one where nipples are covered up then it would feel better. (I love the SFW versions, so don't stop doing amazing SFW sculpts. Just a thought on how to make some interesting NSFW versions too).